Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
27 Nov [1936]
Yours of Nov 7 and Nov 18. Enclosed covers letter. Send him copy and notify press, esp[ecially] in Vancouver.
I seem to remember that Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] was in a bad way spiritually when we took him in hand. Unstable? Forget details. But he is a frightfully good man, and you should find out what upset him. 687's [Max Schneider] account is clear and detailed, but somehow inadequate in view of your own attitude that it's all a storm in a tea-cup. Clearly he has been frightened and he blames you. I shouldn't suspend Lodge: keep to Mass [Gnostic Mass], and initiate worthy people who apply.
The prophecy in Carmen Saeculare seems to refer quite definitely to the N.R.A.! You ought to make immense capital out of this.
93 93/93
P.S. Yes; I got Astrological Mag with "Man".