Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
c/o Dennes & Co. Clifford's Inn London E.C.4.
Aug 7 [1941]
The "incantation" is curiously fascinating. I love these poems which are unintelligible to the intellect, but create beauty in one's mind. Please tell her that I am very pleased indeed, and should like to hear more.
I am frantically busy. By the time you get this, it will probably be known everywhere that I am the mysterious bloke that devised the "V sign" campaign. I dare say you found it out all by your little self though: it did rather short it! Especially as you knew the "Thumbs Up!" of the 'famous' photograph frontispiece of Eq[uino]x I.3 and the V sign itself (actually labelled as such) in Eq[uino]x I.2 and "The Signs of the Grades" in "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice]. But the B.B.C. themselves were of course in the dark. And now "Lord Haw-Haw" is attacking me; "Crowley's Black Magical imposture has persuaded all England and America to worship the Devil" and so on. It was a tricky business, slipping it over on them, considering that everyone not quite an idiot knew about the "Horns of the Devil" and the mano in Lica gesture in the Naples sign-language and all the rest of it.
I have heard nothing from Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] about Parsons [Jack Parsons] and his toils.
My next book "Thumbs Up!" ready next week: and, a fortnight later "The V sign" with photographs.
So I'm very nice to have found time to write: dog-tired I am, and shall close down and snatch a nap
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Yours ever,
Lots of love to you all!
P.S. Smith keeps on reporting progress and success and never sends any money. Shan't send any books till he does.