Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
10 H. Square.
Aug 11. 1941.
Dear Noel.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for yours of the 8th. with P[ostal] O[rder] for 11/-. No. 14 [of Thumbs Up] has been reserved. I will add a happy word. The Tarot story is too long to tell in a letter. Back in London to see this printing through. After "Thumbs Up" (which will have an appropriate photo from Eq[uino]x I 3 Frontispiece) comes "The V Sign." Thanks to "Lord Haw-Haw", it is now quite generally known that I invented this campaign. He has pointed out, quite justly, that I have persuaded some hundreds of millions of people to worship the Devil! See photograph Eq[uino]x I 2 and "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice], the Sign of the Grades, where the V is plainly stated to be the Sign of Apophis and Typhon. See Levi [Eliphas Levi] (Eq[uino]x I 10 Suppl[ement].) for the horns of the Devil and so on—in that account of the Bleeding Hosts of Vintras, and D.D. Home's "signatures." Of course I am denying strenuously that I ever gad anything to do about it, as the bloke who slipped it over on the idiots of the B.B.C. would get into the most hellish trouble if it were found out that he knows me. All the same, it will help my subtle intrigues if you pass the word along that I did it! I have something else in my capacious sleeve which needs to be prepared.
I'm sorry that you have been ill again; glad it's no worse. Are you rid of Edith yet? I'm as well as is likely with one poor inch of chest expansion. Blast this beastly weather. Shall be glad to see you, but there is little hope of a curry. No kitchen of my own and (probably) few ingredients to be had.
Love is the law, lover under will.
Do write in full, and this week. (Book not out till about 10 days now.) I want to hear the reactions about me and the V sign. This is most important.