Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
January 7, 1944
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I enclose M.O. [Money Order] for $45—my $20, plus $25 from Jack [Jack Parsons]. He and Betty [Betty Northrup] dined with me Tuesday night. He was delighted to get over, misses the Order activities, and, answering Aleister's letter, outlined ideas regarding the Order when re-established. He has asked A.C. if a copy should go to you. This will take time of course.
We talked of nothing else than the Order, and during the talk he said that Betty cared nothing for the Order, but that if and when it was started again, she hoped to remain in it, she would have to take a job for a stated period—say 4 or 6 months—and donate every cent of her salary to the Order. The statement struck me, because of your saying she wouldn't do an honest day's work for the Order. Jack is weak, as you know—the future will tell the tale; but the isolation is doing him good.
He also brought with him all correspondence between Aleister and himself, McMurtry [Grady McMurtry], et. al. This includes "ARTEMIS".
He said, too, that Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] seems about at the breaking point, and ready to go ahead with the ordeal. ???
Group Work. I have asked the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred] if they would like to hold an informal meeting, if George would hold an informal meeting, Jane to hold one—taking turns. This would develop the various chairmen, each one to formulate his or her own program and develop his or her subject. I have not asked Max [Max Schneider] as I understand he is on some sort of retirement (?), but as he and Jean [Jean Phillips] invited a few people—including myself—to a new Year's Eve "housewarming" in Beverly Hills, perhaps he would be free to take an evening. This would give the four time for preparation of the next talk.
In this way, each chairman could make an appeal to friend's or acquaintances to come and hear him, as an opening wedge. Then God help him if he failed to interest the friends. The Group might overlook mistakes, weakness, or whatever. Outsiders wouldn't be so lenient. It might be a way to interest others in the Order—or at least in Thelema. Would this meet with your approval? And have you further ideas?
I am sorry about your difficulties with AMEXCO. I thought their Orders could be cashed anywhere—their office is 2 blocks from me. But P.O. Orders it shall be hereafter.
I want to thank you for Hugh's [Hugh Christopher] chart. Maym Kelso immediately pounced upon those Leos and asked if the man had throat trouble, or stammered? "He is seething inside, consumed with a great desire—Messiah complex—in his eagerness to pour forth he gets enmeshed in speech because he is not a clear thinker—intellect in abeyance because soul qualities must first be developed—intellect might now draw him away from his Desire—speech freedom will start when he enters Libra." I give this much of her short reading that you may know her line of approach. We shall progress the chart and go over it more carefully. She thinks it quite interesting.
He and I are still making progress.
While writing this letter, Joe Miller phoned to thank me again for copy of the Vision and the Voice and ARARITA, given him shortly before I left Pasadena. The word I used was teetering—meaning a doubt about his continuing. I have naught but hearsay, (poor authority) from Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] and Georgia [Georgia Schneider]: Phyllis expressed the doubt, Georgia later told me Joe had decided to follow Buddha's command (?), that man fulfill his obligations to wife and family. Whatever was meant by that.
Just at the moment I cannot think of an opening re O.T.O. Publication Fund, but I will mull over the matter. Jack thought a drive for a total of $200 from all the members might work if he were given permission to approach them. Perhaps he has written you. But the Pasadena group, at least, were quite lukewarm about publications, which they viewed only from the personal angle:—"Maybe we wouldn't like the book when it was published"! This P.[asadena] group—with but one exception—wanted the social angle uppermost.
I shall be writing Aleister shortly, and will of course enclose your copy.
Love is the law, love under will.
With love,