Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Frieda Harris




1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn)

APO 149. U.S. Army

2 March 1945




Dear Frieda,


Since visiting you around Christmas I have wandered far and wide but nowhere have I found time to complete that work on economics I was speaking of. While contemplating the ways of war in such matters the other day it occurred to me that you might not be acquainted with my poetry—and that perchance you might enjoy some of it. So, acting on impulse, as in the best tradition, I am sending you a few pieces. They are:




An Apish God

In September

Spirit of Earth



and Zeus


I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.


Yours truly,



Grady L. McMurtry,

1st Lt., Ordnance.


