Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke





The Ridge




9-3-'45 e.v.



Dear Gerald




As it is written "Cast thy bread upon the waters" etc.


Thanks: I will deal faithfully with the lady. [Yvonne] Piggin doesn't frighten me; at Aston Clinton [the Bell Inn] for a fortnight I had a semi-secretary Edith Pogson!


Your words of approval encourage me immensely. But "coincidence", besides the comic relief, has a very shrewd shaft for the conclusion of its sorites.


Surely Eqx of Gods [The Equinox of the Gods] covers your query re Aiwaz as fully as possible. The only point undetermined is whether He is a discarnate Being, or (as seemed possible after the Samuel Jacobs incident—"Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] pp 256 seq footnote 2) a human being, presumably Assyrian, of that name. And that I simply do not know, and cannot reasonably surmise, because I do not know the limits of the powers of such an One.


Snowed under getting ready for Grant [Kenneth Grant], with an X.O.P. pen—so a rividelchi! [?]


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