Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
The Ridge Hastings Sussex
April 10. [1945]
Dear Grady,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
[illegible] post one from Jack [Jack Parsons]—copy enclosed. Quite enough, if I include copies N.L.T. [Night Letter Telegram]. recvd March 16 and his Encyclical to Lodge dated Feb 23 with my reply N.L.T.
Best forget the whole beastly business.
Your financial statement smote me sore—nervous prostration, and the farm-tools; also the heebee-jeebies and the willy-nillies resulted. You are right, however, thank God. It may help if I could enclose a certificate.
You will by now (I hope) have my inevitable collapse before your Dynamics [version 1 / version 2]. I asked Grant [Kenneth Grant] to write you separately; hope he has. Shall curse him if not. But he's doing damned well, working hard, and apparently happy in it. But I shall be glad when I can pay him a salary and have his whole time here.
I got £20 not £40 last month; nothing there as yet. Please try to keep up this £20 monthly till the tide turns. Orson Welles may buy a play or script any day now, according to latest news from Jean Phillips.
Love is the law, love under will.
Lieut Grady L. McMurtry 1814th Ord A&M Co (Avn) A.P.O. 149 c/o P.M. NY, NY. U.S. Army (France)