Correspondence from Roy Leffingwell to Karl Germer





122 South Stoneman Ave.

Ahambra Calif



March 25th, 1946



Dear Karl:


I suggest that you light your pipe, climb into a favorite chair, and settle back for a long session. When one has not sent a word in months, one has much to answer for, and this doesn't look like it would end in being a brief note!


There were many reasons behind my silence. Periodic spells with my physical ailments; living out and working through, to the best of my ability, the utterly fantastic 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue] set-up; the long and arduous endeavor to find a studio that would not only solve my personal teaching problems, but also help Sascha [Sascha Germer] when she arrives; then the further delay until I had called a meeting of Agape Lodge and had something to report to you on that angle—Oh, a million and one valid or invalid reasons for not bothering you until I had something of interest and value to write. I knew, and was very grateful for, your letters and help to Reea [Reea Leffingwell]—Reea, who has so many problems of her own to struggle through—none of them helped by the fact that her age, and the upsets of the menopause, color her usually lucid viewpoint at times. In spite of this, however, I much doubt if Thelema has a more faithful and practical adherent.


Certainly a long enough paragraph, but maybe it sums up the preliminaries. Now to work.


First: the physical ailments. The fact that I have accepted the responsibility for Agape, and am finally writing you, prove that at least enough of them are over to change my mental condition and outlook.


Next, the 1003 set-up. That, my dear Karl, has been just what I wrote above—utterly fantastic. It's all water over the bridge now, so I shall not bother you with any of the gruesome details. My only comment at this time is—"Thank God it's all over with".


Then, the studio search. I was never unmindful for a moment of your views and plans on Sascha's teaching here, and your trip this Summer. But—trial after trial of local schools and teachers developed only an over-cautious stand on their parts, due to the fear of losing to Sascha some of their precious students. Especially on the part of those many Hollywood bluffs who could not afford to have their phony background set up for comparison! This does not mean that there are no legitimate contacts that would help. But of them, most prefer to "Wait and see". You cannot imagine the number of grandiose, monumental fakers that inhabit Hollywood under the guise of voice teachers. Because they have no real training to impart, students drift from each boastful 'master' to the next. There seems to be, however, a never-ending crop of aspiring vocal students!


So, when 1003 was sold, and I had to find sleeping quarters, and a place to work on my music writing, I looked for a place that I could also use as a studio, teaching there, and with an eye to Sascha also having her own headquarters if she did not wish to affiliate herself with a school of what-not. The present address is the result of long and arduous searching. Any type of rental is next to utterly impossible out here now. However, we have a place, and she may teach here, use it for phone and business headquarters, or in whatever way she feels she wishes to operate. It is in the center of town, here in Alhambra, about 30 minutes from Hollywood, and fifteen or twenty from downtown L.A.


And now, at long last, the lodge set-up. I am of the opinion that you have had much correspondence on the whole matter with Jack [Jack Parsons]. At any rate, when he wanted to withdraw from any participation in Lodge work, and insisted that I was the logical one to take over, he answered me that it met with your, and A.C.'s approval. I stipulated that I would not touch it, with a ten foot pole, unless certain glaring misconceptions were cleared up. First, that Betty [Sara Northrup] be entirely eliminated from any connection with the Lodge. This because at least half the trouble stemmed directly from her.


Next, that I was going to try to eliminate the three basic causes for past failures, namely—the tail wagging the dog, Agape and its Master assuming precedence over Baphomet, and yourself as in this country, making the flat statement to members that "Agape was the only working 'example(!)' of the O.T.O. in existence, or ever had been," secondly, that the infernal stressing and overstressing of sex, sex and more sex, among lower degree members, and also all prospective members, plus the attempted or successful seduction of all new members, be stopped. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], and Jack after him, constantly jeopardized the Work and The Order, by their actions and preachings on this point. Thirdly, no misuse, by anyone, of the Lodge funds, and no using of Lodge funds for liquors, etc., for "parties", Equinoxial or otherwise. There are too many vital needs for those funds, and creating "expenses" which decrease Grand Lodge's share is on a par with evading taxation on net income. by reducing the "net".


Jack's reaction to all this was to offer me carte blance in all matters, (and rather relieved to do so, I imagine). With that understanding I had my first meeting with members last Friday night, at Burlingame's [Ray and Mildred] house. It was surely good to see Max [Max Schneider] and Jean [Jean Phillips], and Georgia [Georgia Schneider], back in Agape, assuring me of their loyalty, support, and complete co-operation. It was good to have every member, without exception, do the same thing, and this after I had stipulated to them just as I did to Jack before I agreed to take over. The spirit of everyone was fine. I shall not elaborate, for Jane [Jane Wolfe] and Max and the rest will probably write you what they sensed there. I feel very grateful, and very, very humble, that they think I can help to lead them out of the wilderness, for they are truly all fine, sincere, earnest children of Thelema when they get values straight.


For nine or ten years, Karl, I have stood by and watched first Smith, and then Jack, utterly confuse new members, most of them only of the first degree, and frighten off prospective members, with their enthusiastic sales talk of the entire freedom of sex taught and practised in O.T.O., until it has become anathema, to all but a very few hardy souls, as a 'love cult'. I have seen constant efforts made to decry and destroy all family life, among these same faintly Thelemic 'children', and then they would wonder why their lodge did not grow as other fraternal organizations have!


I have seen weird extractions made from Lodge funds applied as "rental" or alleged "profess houses" (and I assure you, as can Max, Jane and Georgia, that "call houses" would have been the only fitting term). I have seen money desperately needed go, $50 at a time, for liquors for a party, designed not to get new members, but to "take care of the social aspects of the Order". When I called for a financial statement from the treasurer, (Mary Prescott) I find about $70.00 in the treasury. This after some ten years of operation! When I tried to find out what property, in books, lodge furniture, etc., we had, I get vague statements that nobody seems able to clarify. Apparently, "we don't got anything".


Alright, then. That's all water over the dam. I just wanted you to get a picture of what is here, or isn't here, and you will at least see where I start from. I have accepted this responsibility because I feel that it is the thing first before me to do, for the Work, and not because I wanted it in any way shape or form. Now as to plans.


First, Max and I work together in complete harmony. So do Jane, Georgia and myself. We are in agreement on all the necessary steps. Max is to continue his classes, as a sort of "Mystery Schools" branch of the Order, for those members serious enough to want to study the Kabala, tarot, etc. He is to use his open classes as a fertile field for new members. I shall undoubtedly use him as an officer in initiations. Georgia's utter devotion to The Work, and her loyalty through all to Baphomet make her invaluable when real effort is called for. Jean, too, by the way, is completely sincere and willing to work. Jane is not well, and I have relieved her of her part, while reserving her experience, length of devotion, loyalty and knowledge, for the support and enlightenment of the lower degree members, and prospective ones.


Then there are Mildred and Ray—real Thelemites in every sense, whole-hearted co-operators in all real effort for the Work, fiercely loyal to A.C., willing to do any and all things to make up for the past mistakes of others. They have brought I don't know how many members up to 1003, only to have them never come back after the first meeting, or initiation, and it takes a lot of loyalty to stick with the ship after many experiences of that kind.


I have delegated Georgia to see about a Hall that we may rent for stated meetings, and for initiatory work, so that we may have no more silly ideas about "process houses" which never have functioned as such in any way. I even stipulated that whatever Hall she decided upon should have no bedrooms attached! Yes, it really was that bad, Karl. When the weather permits, we will hold out-of-doors initiations, especially of the Minerval, at Rancho Royal.


By the way, in addition to my personal letters and reports to you, I shall, of course, keep you officially informed of all Lodge doings and activities, and I have instructed the new Secretary, (Jean Woods) to send you a copy of the minutes of all meetings, at least until you want them discontinued.


There has been so much vagueness about all supposedly official action that I can't get too much information from anyone, so will you please keep me well informed? What percentage of Lodge dues, etc., are now sent to you—when—and by whom? Shall I start including $14.00 a month for my Sanctuary dues with Agape remittance, and what about Georgia and Max, also Jack? For instance, I supplied some $40.00 of Jack's $125 remittance for the new commentary. Nobody seems to know what more is needed, when, and by whom.


Well, there is ten times too much to put in any one letter, but because this more or less brings us up to date, maybe I won't have to wear you out again with so much verbiage.


Spent the day with Max and Jean yesterday, and Max showed me your last letter, relative to the 49 letters [for Magick Without Tears], Commentary, etc. Sure looks interesting. Also, your statement about coming out about July 1st also looked interesting! I am looking forward, mightily, to personally meeting you, my beloved Brother, and Sascha too.


Address all my letters here, since I only get to the ranch about once every ten days now, and it would delay matters to send them there.


With all my love to you and Sascha, which I am sure Reea would join in sending were she here, I am,


Fraternally yours,




