Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
April 13, 1946
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your letter of April 9th and copy of yours to Aleister.
As to the 777, for which preparations had been made to issue an expanded and vastly improved edition, nothing further has been done, unfortunately. I don't know whether the nearly 80 drawings made by an artist in Thuringia, are still in existence. With the ascent of the Nazis all outer work in Germany was, of course, stopped. All thelemic books were banned, and Martha Kuentzel, who was an ardent Nazi—even when I came back from the Concentration Camp, and when I tried to hint vaguely at some of their methods—had to learn by personal bitter experience how right my warnings to her were. (You must not judge her Nazi leanings from the present-day knowledge. Germans of the educated classes always despised everything connected with politics. Women in particular had no political experience, insight or understanding in Germany. So, naturally, she took all that Nazi propaganda at its face value. She believed that were actually out to cleanse the Augian stable the foul developments of a 'democracy' imposed by the Allies who kept it corrupt to further their own selfish ends..
It is all very sad and tragic and Martha Kuentzel has paid dearly enough for her errors. M.K. [Martha Kuentzel] back in 1935 still saw Hitler and the Nazi development as an end in itself for the best of humanity. She did not see that from the thelemic point of view he was but a means to an end. However, she may have become enlightened later: I have not heard from her again since I saw her in 1935.
No 'OLLA' is not the 'Book of Oaths'. From what 666 wrote me it is a compilation of poems selected over a period of years. He wrote me he had sent me a typescript which has not arrived yet.
As promised, I am enclosing Frederick's [Frederic Mellinger] letter after his return from his visit with A.C. and some photos he made. One is earlier, must be a year ago. Please return all at your convenience.
You received a copy of Jack's letter to 666 of March 6th. I would like to have your personal judgment on the value of that 'vision', or any additional personal information or observation of yours.
Love is the law, love under will.
My love as always, and all the best,
Yours ever,