Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Culling
28.10. 46 e.v.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you very much for your letter of Oct. 14 e.v.
What is this nonsense about Crowley's new aeon. Crowley is nobody—at least no more than a machine used by G. H. Frater O. M. to write down the message of Iawass. I am surprised that you should have any dealings with a low blagard like Regardie [Israel Regardie], whose real name is Regutny, and the lowest kind of Russian Jew.
About Parsons [Jack Parsons], all that I can say is that I am sorry—he was led astray firstly by Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]—then by a confidence man names Hubbard [L. Ron Hubbard].
I am glad that yourself has gone through the worst of the tribulation—there has evidently been a severe Magical attack for all of us.
With all the most sincere love.
Yours fraternally,