Meeting Minutes
Meeting of Agape Lodge at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred ] Residence, Nov. 7, 1947
Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. Sister Jane [Jane Wolfe] read letters she had received from Brother Karl [Karl Germer], 666 [Crowley] and one from Georgia [Georgia Schneider] containing the splendid news of Brother Max's [Max Schneider] progress, stating they had been able to move him down to Barstow, which was encouraging to all of us. The Treasurer had sent on to Jean S. [Jean Schneider] funds made available by the Lodge, and as soon as Sister Jan learned of their move, she informed Jean that the money had been sent to them up north, so they could have it forwarded on to them at Barstow.
Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] then discussed freely his feelings re: the Lodge . . . its purposes and aims, stating that during his 1 1/2 years' regime as Master of the Lodge, about $2,000 had been sent to Grand Lodge, leaving no funds available for the upkeep or expansion of the Order here and if that alone was to be its sole function, then he felt that we didn't need him in there as Master. He made it clear that if he continued on as Master of the Lodge (not merely in name only) we must decide that a reasonable proportion of the finances go to the development of Agape Lodge as it just can't expand without something on which to expand. His decision was: (1) Hereafter, a portion of the funds must be set aside for expansion purposes; (2) there must be funds available in the Treasury to carry on functions, as he felt it was quite futile to go on as matters now stand; (3) he would continue the astrology classes as he felt they were worth while.
Sister Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] offered (as temporary headquarters) her unoccupied house in Laurel Canyon which could be used for Lodge purposes. The next business meeting on Dec. 5, unless notified to the contrary, is to be held at 2432 Laurel Pass.
No other business at hand, Lodge was formally closed.
cc: AC [Aleister Crowley] KG [Karl Germer] GM [Grady McMurtry]