Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Karl Germer
[8 December 1947]
". . .it is so sad to bear, I was so fond of him. Luckily during the last few months I have seen quite a lot of him, and after finding him in a really deplorable state, was able to ensure in fact that he had a daily nurse and Watson [Herbert Watson], who was waiting on him incessantly. I went down the day he died & found, altho I don't think he recognised me, that he had everything & got a night nurse. as I did not think he ought to be alone. Mrs. McAlpine (Pat) [Patricia MacAlpine] was there with the child [Aleister Ataturk] who is a strange little thing, and Pat was with him when he died. She says he just went to sleep, no struggle thank goodness. He was a bit confused the day before and said he did not know where he was. I think Liber Aleph was complete but I can tell you more after Tuesday, when, if the cases come to London by then, we hope to make a serious effort to sort them & a list will be made, & sent to you. What a pity you can't come over, it would be such a help but I am sure you can trust Louis Wilkinson & John Symonds to do their level best. . . . the press here is unbearable not a decent word said tho James Laver & Bax [Clifford Bax] have tried. There are 2 books at Hastings printers Liber Aleph & another [Golden Twigs]. For Liber Aleph 104 pounds is owing. We told the printers to wait. . . . The cremation was most impressive & dignified. Louis Wilkinson read the poem The Book of the Law, excerpts of the Gnostic Collects magnificently. Even that could not stop the mouth of the foul reporters."