Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
8 March 1948
Dear Germer.
I enclose copies of part of one of A.C.'s diaries of a working with Amalantrah in U.S.A. Also copy of a memorandum he wrote in connection with his Mediterranean Manifesto. These formed part of what I bought from Galloway and Porter. Both are important from your point of view if they have not survived elsewhere, and I do not know of other copies. Also part of one of the missing volumes of the Book of Oaths. Same source. Also an old G∴D∴ [Golden Dawn] MSS.
Also a copy of the handwritten diary in possession of Tom Driberg.
Remainder consists of copies of various notes made by me in the old days from various MSS. Of these the O.T.O. MSS do I think survive, the others probably not, though the Yi King notes may do so.
Symonds [John Symonds] has written to Van Oppen to send a man round to quote him for sending the various [unbound] sheets of The Equinox of the Gods, and the stock of printed but unsold books (Thoth [The Book of Thoth], Olla, etc.) together with some duplicate typescripts and miscellanea he will not want for his book. I helped him stack all these together, and I hope he will send them off regardless of the legal position. He will I expect write you direct about it. I gave FitzGerald [Edward Noel Fitzgerald] some of the less valuable stuff from the Galloway and Porter MSS for him to copy, so that I can send copies to you.
Gerald Yorke.