Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






27 March 1948



Care Frater VI,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your two letters of March 19 & 22 are now to hand. Will deal with them in sequence. Sorry if you don't like this form of address, but have several types of correspondence to deal with, and in turn like to keep them distinct from purely personal mail.


Yes, I think Germer [Karl Germer] and I will work independently, but there will, I hope, be some measure of understanding rather than disunion. At present there is some misunderstanding due to lack of facts and true deductions.


O.K. about VI° Manuscript—thanks!


I should like copy of Constitution of the Order of Thelemites but please conserve your time for things more important until it can be well spared.


Am glad to send you the original of Aud's [Raoul Loveday] document. He sent this through A.C.; was never in direct correspondence. Also am able to send you a personal letter from C. F. Russell (Fr.[ater] Genesthai) from Cefalù, and a paper about development of Cefalù Plage which he mentions. There are some photographs, but they are very poor. Is the Life to be illustrated? There is one rather good one of A.C. and "family" showing portion of "Abbey". These enclosures throw perhaps a different light on some of the activities of that period, and may therefore be useful. Please return originals after copying—or using in Life.


Let us leave the question of extra copy of 31 for Saturnus [Karl Germer] until after you have read and considered the document. (Germer has received a small published portion of Liber 31 which is contained in an article "Gambling with the World" (1923), when atomic experiments began to be discussed. This through Handel [Albert H. Handel] very recently in another connection. Have been trying to locate an extra copy of the original magazine to give you, for B[ritish] M[useum].) (You say Germer is in California. Is his New York address of a year ago still valid? Don't expect to address him, but one never knows what may crop up.)


There's considerable more than a "second half" of diary. The unpublished but printed part (THE EQUINOX III, 2) was only a further section—others to follow. It has nothing much to do with real proof of 31. But does show that entered Abyss "by an act of will" (as A.C.'s note says) but FOR HIS SAKE, so that karmic debt should be paid for what he had done for me and in order that he be released from City of Pyramids and free to become full 9º=2o. This he has acknowledged in writing—that it did remove a bar for him. This is hardly the act of a Black Brother, nor one which would call for such a penalty. It also shows more fully than 31 that on realizing what the Curse of the Magus was really like, one was still prepared to accept that, if necessary, if Therion was ready for 10º=1o. But he wasn't.


The "return to Malkuth" was also voluntary—so that "others" would not be so likely to get involved in what really is a "faulty" system. The other aspect resulted in one part of this Brother who "looped the loop", remaining in City of Pyramids for a full cycle of Saturn—with Ordeals of Liber Legis continuing until 1945—and thereafter notifying A.C. through Handel and Germer of this fact, that the time was up and the baby was coming out, whether they liked it or not. The full task and prophecy of Liber Legis having thus been fulfilled, and having got unexpectedly stuck for nearly 30 years (on one plane) for A.C.'s sake, one is asked "Why try to crawl back now to the fold. What are you going to do to make up for lost time?" One aspect of the Game didn't last long after that! And from now on the Truth will begin to come out—perhaps. With Liber Legis itself backing up the proofs.


You will find I mentioned Amalantrah Working in my letter of March 19th to you, same day you mentioned it in P.S. to me. We are evidently somewhat en rapport. No I have not a record of A.C.'s working at that period—other than my own diaries. Glad you've got some of it there. Does it mention Egg?


Yours of 22nd.

No, I do not remember Belgacem. But what you suggest agrees with what I thought A.C. meant. He deals with such matters in Bagh-i-Muattar, and seems to recommend. Personally, know a great deal about IX° from practical experience. Once 91 operations all culminated at same time. That was in 1917 Initiation, when discovered Key to Liber Legis (though you need not mention that angle). Nevertheless, don't think IX° is the final secret. Am pretty sure XI° is not—although never worked that way. Am convinced there is something A.C. never knew, which is True Key. If so, perhaps you will be allowed to put things in B.M. If, on the other hand IX° should be preserved in Sanctuary, you're pretty sure to be prevented—by bomb, or otherwise. Best of luck.


Am sure (by good reports) that Germer is man of integrity. Also I know the type, because he was first in Germany with one I know there, who is true Rose Cross. We should be able to meet in that circle. Think the old plan may be finally centralised in Tiphereth—The Golden Rose of Beauty. Hope so! But somehow I must know exactly what G.[ermer] holds against me. And he must learn whether true or not. Otherwise there will be disunion where harmony should be manifested. You should be able to help. Have certainly no desire to hinder any of the work he has undertaken viz: publishing etc. Liber Legis (manuscript) originally said "Clerkship" not "Clerkhouse" at Kaaba. A.C. changed it. I think Saturnus has this clerkship. (Also, by the way, A.C. changed "disunion" to "division"; it originally read "pain of disunion" as you can see for yourself.)


Thanks about A.C. not having pronounced Word.


My previous letters will show that only by entering Church could a "pagan" be in a position to "represent ISSA" and pass Silver Ordeal. Entered  c. 1928—ordeal passed 1932.


Very fraternally,





P.S. The unexpected turn things have taken, and my special extra correspondence which is the result, will show you, I think, that as it turns out there is no question of trying to put "a new work over quickly", but rather that the Word of 1926 which was entrusted to me can now be shown to be provided for in Liber Legis itself (success is your proof!). That's the extraordinary part of it; which throws quite a different light on the matter. This is not due to "lust of result" but quite unexpected by me.


You mention the deposit of what you have at British Museum to provide material for some future historian of the Order. The problem however is that no such history could be written without taking into account the mass of records here which include some of A.C.'s most important hand-written letters of his best period, as well as "the other side of the story" during the "division hither homeward" period. The solution of this difficulty is not at present in sight. Yet I now see that is may be of considerable historical importance—and the real "justification" of A.C.'s work, so much misunderstood. Should not have thought much need for publishing my side alone—at any rate in full; although, of course, reserve the full right to do so; e.g., to include all my diary in a book on Initiation projected long ago. A.C. knew this "son" business was his own best advertisement—and admitted it in writing. I have never once let A.C. down, or (except on one occasion, which was withdrawn, not published) written anything which, although true from one aspect, could be said to be "against him". Nor have I broken any Obligations, or Oaths—rather the reverse, I've respected his original instructions to me, and never talked or written loosely on certain subjects, or countenanced loose working in either Order—whereas much trouble seems to have resulted from him and his later followers letting down certain Orderly barriers. His special books I saved for him at risk of my job, put them in special storage, in his name and my own, as his Attorney in fact, paid storage for many years, and turned over the proofs that the storage people considered they still had them to his new Attorney in fact—as mentioned clearly in Mutual Release. I have never seen them from the day I packed them and put them in storage until this moment. (That, I take my solemn oath to before The Supreme Being). And, under the same oath, I state to you that I have no slightest idea where in the world they are. A copy of the Mutual Release can be made and sent to you at any time. Bailey [James Gilbert Bayley] (whom you mention at A.C.'s funeral) came to my home in Bognor Regis and examined the document and saw for himself that it was clear and O.K. on this point. A.C. wrote in 1936 and said he was certain I had these special books and was holding them concealed until after his death. When I assured him that this was a grave error and injustice—he proceeded to "expel me" from O.T.O. and wish all the demon servitors upon me, etc. In this he was completely misled. That's all there is to it—but it accounts for much of his later trouble. If Saturnus has been misinformed on this, or other points, he must be put right. As a man of integrity, which I believe him to be, it is only fair to him, as well as to me, that somehow he should be made aware of actual facts, face them, and then decide for himself what is his True Will. I'm not blaming A.C.—but his delusion.




(Paper mentioned in correspondence of 1932—on arising of Silver Star—but NOT sent Therion. Given you as proof. Please respect confidence—Achad.)


