Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
29 March 1948
Care Frater V.I.,
You must be nearly as tired of receiving letters from me as I am of writing them. That's the worst of getting mixed up with a strong magical current while it is in manifestation. Wisdom says: Be strong!
This being a holiday, I found the post office closed and was unable to mail my letter written earlier in the day. The current is still running, so might as well include another aspect of importance which needs to be on record at this point.
On page 3 of mine of the 27th I mentioned he one occasion on which I had written something which might be said to be "against" A.C.—rather it was "against" the author of Liber Legis.
The facts are these. When I saw how the correspondence opened up by 666 in 1936 was going, I wrote a brief article and sent it to the Occult Review—to which I had not contributed for some time. I thought this article might well appear around the time The Equinox of the Gods was issued. It was sent from here August 13, 1936, and I wrote for it to be returned November 4, 1936—without it having appeared. I have sometimes wondered whether the Editor showed it to A.C. while in his hands. That could account for the old man being so wild and trying to expel me from "O.T.O." I don't think, however, that was the case.
The article is important in giving quite another view of the New Aeon" teachings—one which can be substantiated quite fully, should one wish to argue from that angle. But I don't think the presentation publicly of what is contained in the article would have conveyed truth. For there are two (or more) sides to the matter. In your first letter you told me that Liber Legis was not altogether "your cup of tea". My job has been to drink of the cup and try to like it—or at least be quite fair about it. It may yet turn out to be sweet wine that foams.
Meanwhile, however, I have decided to send you for record the original carbon copy of the article, the original typescript having been returned for my files. I advise you not to make further copies nor mention the matter to Germer [Karl Germer], as it might seriously confuse the issue at this point. I hope, coming along with other stuff so suddenly, it will not confuse you.
There is a link, in a way, with what I hinted in the slip accompanying my other letter. Have just re-read my magical diary of 1943. It is so important that am starting to copy the long section for you. Hope to finish some time. It shows that reference to "crushed universe" of Ch. III may actually have occurred in space about 1,500 years ago. Not a future threat.
Very fraternally,
P.S. I take it that you realize that "The Diary of Nemo" referred to in print in several places is Liber 165 [A Master of the Temple] (Nemo=165), of which first section only published in The Equinox III.1.(It is not "Solomon the King" of earlier Equinoxes.) That's another difficulty concerning future publication, not alone deposit in B.[ritish] M.[useum]. Things are so involved at present.
P.P.S. To say nothing of an entirely other aspect (Magical records of 1943 which A.C. did not receive because letter sent through Solicitors not answered) that Liber Legis manifestation (in part at least) is rooted in PRIMITIVE APE MAN—the First progenitor of human race—who was speechless, and therefore NOT TALKING!
[in pencil, Achad has written:] "Don't use this key!" [and] "Please destroy! Achad."
P.S. I don't seem to feel the "curse" of Magus and Liber Legis is any longer in operation. Hope not, at any rate. It seems to me that now it is more a matter of beholding and explaining what has actually occurred than anything else—for the moment, at any rate. The part of diary of 1943 which am copying will throw more light on things—it also involves others, e.g. one acquainted with Betty May, who had also once met A.C. He has since published an important "best seller" in which I think A.C. would have been much interested.[1]
You will realize, too, that acting as I am, since the key to MANIFESTATION came along the other day, all that I can say now tends to prove Liber Legis by, as it were, an independent witness. The very fact that I was separated from A.C. for so long, and that my working was independent, so that I have no idea of what further revelations came to him of latter years, makes my testimony very strong indeed. Especially from the writer of such articles as I here enclose.
It should be carefully noted that this article was written prior to Second World War. A.C. said there would be further trouble soon after issue of The Equinox of the Gods. He was right.
The part of diary above referred to was written during that war, and accounts, I think, for the extra barbarity of that conflict. Now we have to face the question of whether since the "success" of Ch.III, v.69 appears to be assured (from one angle at any rate), the War and Vengeance aspect is over, or there is yet more to come for the race.
The Firstborn suffers from the "vice" of compassion and is for rather than against the people—which may exclude him from being among the "chosen", but might, perhaps, turn out to be a good thing for the world. TIME will show.
By the way, the 1945 Initiation and Ordeal had a lot to do with Time. There's a mysterious "time lag". Events now happen either a little early or a little late by the Cosmic clock. Thus one of my letters was dated: A little before the Vernal Equinox . . . etc. This clue often accounts for "world events"—too little and too late, etc. But it's all part of the Great Plan and Purpose.
1—This is a reference to Malcolm Lowry, author of Under the Volcano.