Correspondence from to Karl Germer to Charles Stansfeld Jones
22 April 1948
Care Frater Achad,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Since writing you from San Francisco on April 17th, I have received your letters of April 14th, 17, 18 and a copy of a letter of April 14 which you sent to Mr. Gerald Yorke.
Being too occupied with urgent matters that demand immediate attention, I have not so far not had the time to consider your letters, etc., in its various aspects. I will be back in New York next week and expect to have more leisure to do so then. In the meantime I would appreciate if you would clarify a few points on which I remain somewhat obscure.
Does the "incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice" signify that on April 2nd, 1948 the rule of Ra Hoor Khuit has been cut short and abolished? Has a new Law corresponding to this Aeon of Truth and Justice been issued?
I am a bit confused by the wealth of data contained in your letters but it seems to me that the preceding paragraph condenses the vital question in my mind.
I wonder whether the manifestation culminating at 1:11 P.M. on April 2nd, 1948, illuminated to you many of the passages in Liber Legis which at the time of your parting with A.C. remained obscure in the latter's understanding? Very much has happened between 1925 and A.C.'s death. Much light has been shed. And it is really your letter of April 14 to Mr. Yorke, with the questions asked therein, that came as such a sudden shock to me, because if the new Aeon of Maat has superceded that of R[a] H[oor] K[huit], how can this be if the former is not understood and worked out? Another puzzling point is that you say certain "secret words" remained unknown to A.C. I do not think that I should let this statement go unchallenged as my personal knowledge is otherwise.
In another passage you state that A.C.'s death removed the influence of the great Magician, or Magus, and left the path free for this present Aeon of Truth and Justice. It seems to me you derive this view from your relation to him as his Child. I have been for over 22 years Aleister Crowley's and Therion's student and, later, closet and most intimate friend and Brother. His office as Magus no longer beclouded my sight. Are not various of your statements in your communications to others therefore fallacious?
Love is the law, love under will.