Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to the Official Receiver
Sloane 5811
17 St. Leonard's Terrace, S.W.3.
10th May, 1948.
Dear Sir,
Re Edward Alexander Crowley Commonly known as Aleister Crowley
With further reference to your letter of 30th ult. And our following telephone conversation I beg to enclose.
(1) Letter to the late Mr. Crowley dated 8th Sept. 1947 from the Old Broad St. Branch of the National City Bank of New York stating that money orders are enclosed for £123.13.4. representing value of remittance received from their New York Office by order of Karl Germer [Karl Germer]. On the back of this letter is an authorization written none too legibly by Mr. Crowley, who was then ill, for Mr. H. F. Watson [Herbert Watson] to act as his agent—signed twice by Mr. Crowley. (Below are erased notes made by me at the time of Mr. Crowley's death, of agenda)
(2) A letter from Mr. H.F. Watson, received by me only yesterday, giving particulars of encashments made by him on Mr. Crowley's account: June 11th, '48: £126.10.3.: Jan. 14, £279.12.6: May 23, £350: Sept. 2 £39.18: Sept. 13, £124.8.4: November 13: £150, all of 1947.
(3) Statements of Cable Transfers sold to K.J. Germer by the 42nd Street Branch of the National City Bank of New York: (a) $1400, May 14, '47, (b) $600, July 24, '47, (c) $500, Sept. 5, '47, all payable to Aleister Crowley.
(4) Carbon copy of letter from me to the Old Broad Street branch of the National City Bank of New York, written after receipt of your letter of 30th ult. And subsequent telephone conversation with you.
(5) Reply to this letter, dated 5th May, particularizing the two remittances of $1400 and $600 referred to in (3).
I trust that the enclosed are what you require.
I have written to Mr. Germer notifying him of your being prepared to accept his offer of £25 for Mr. Crowley's books and literary material and I hope to receive from him this sum in the near future.
Yours faithfully,
Louis Wilkinson
W.J.W. Hill, Esq., Assistant Official Receiver