Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel









24 May 1948



To my Two Companions Yorke and Handel.


Fellow Stars,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


You have been my two faithful witnesses. I am loathe to part company. The Path before us is new and untried. Each day some special light seems to ray from the Hermit's lamp—for he goeth solitary. Two trusty Companions would be very welcome, so that the Way be charted as it appears. Will you become such, so that we may travel on together?


Please search your hearts and wills in this matter. All I ask is that you aim at Truth and Justice, and endeavour to be truthful and just at all times. I have accepted both the test and freedom of the injunction: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!" Also I hold that "Love is the law, love under will" is a right formula. These certainly carry over into this New Aeon. I hold that Liber Legis contains a marvellous cipher system. It has proved itself to do so. I do not hold that the teachings contained in Liber Legis any longer, if they ever did, in toto indicate a right way of life. Certain of the teachings may well have been applied to a few whose destiny it was to carry out some aspects of a great purpose. But it is states: "The Law is for all!" This I do accept as the great Test.


Is it also your Will to accept this? I ask you definitely: On these terms will you be my Companions? I ask now because on the road ahead there seems to be sign marked: Parting of the Ways.


My recording of the incoming of a new Aeon or Cycle is not the only one. I did proclaim this as of April 2, 1948. That was the Great Cycle or Perfect-ion. But I also recorded the Anniversary of Liber Legis on April 8th. And further issued the special notice of M.A.A.T. and MA-ION at 1.06 P.M. (P.S.T.) on April 14th. This has since been symbolized by an additional kind of notepaper to mark the distinction. You will now see from the enclosed Manifesto headed: "Behold, A New Cycle Cometh Into Being" that on April 14th certain women, entirely unknown to me, caught this Current on this West Coast on the very day it was first directed by a M.T. [Magister Templi] of AA and recorded in their own way, the same event. On page two mention is actually made of Truth and Justice, and the whole message, however worded, is truly in line with our work.


This entirely independent testimony cannot be ignored. You will also see that it indicates a parting of the ways. "As by common consent they will separate and go their different ways". This seems to have happened already in the case of Saturnus [Karl Germer], who has since then disclosed himself. But it certainly has not been the case between the three of us, or between myself and any of my regular followers. You two, as having been Providential Witnesses, now assume a very special position. That is why I write as above.


There are three further points to be put on record. First in regard to the time-lag which I have mentioned several times but on which yesterday I obtained further light.


You will notice how this "lag" appears between April 2 and the date April 14 when these women in California got the current of a New Cycle.


If you will refer to my letter of May 11th (and please try always to check me up on such points in case I make a slip in typing or in exactitude, as in that very letter, which please correct), you will notice that it deals specifically with difference of dates between April 2nd and April 8th in connection with Liber Legis. (While looking this up please change last paragraph, line 7 to read "II" instead of "Iii"—we have just entered on the Second Twenty-two year period; next year will be Iii on that dating system.)


The important new point to notice is to be seen on reference to The Equinox of the Gods near end of Chapter VI (have only unnumbered proof-sheets!) which reads: "To this writing we now turn. It must have been on the first of April that W. commanded P. . . . to enter 'temple' exactly at 12 o'clock noon on three successive days, to write down what he should hear, rising exactly at 1 o'clock. This he did." Yet the writing of L.L. [Liber Legis] is elsewhere stated to have started on April 8th. There's the time-lag Which is right? Did he really start on All Fool's Day? Was the 44th Anniversary really April 1, 1948? Was true TIME of Central Day of Writing L.L. April 2nd and therefore incoming of Manifestation of birth (fall) of Great Equinox this year absolutely O.K. with time-lag corrected even then? Verily there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed. What a difference it makes if one is willing to face the facts and try to be exact. A.C. really did this. All his work was carefully dated, but the fact that a slight slip of this kind, through his failure to make note of date at the time, should now show up clearly, is certain proof that we're on the right track.


Without meaning him any harm, Saturnus, with his vague "hints" and "threats" and "retreat into the silence", is quite incapable of dealing with a situation of this sort. But then he wasn't intended to. What is to be done about his using this method so as to avoid facing straight business matters, such as the "book" deal, his position re. O.T.O., the use of my name on publications, etc. is another matter. For the moment he will be left alone. But there us really little excuse for remaining "unjust" just because one does not like the suggestion of a new Aeon of Truth and Justice having been mentioned to him. (If he hadn't been asleep on his job as 'representative' of his Master, he surely should have at least noticed such a change himself—only he was too busy on his holidays to notice a little thing like that.)


There is, however, another aspect which has just come to light. I'll tell you about it in detail, so that you may see how these "qabalistic" things happen in my way of working—which is perhaps a peculiar one.


Last night I was thinking of that change in Liber Legis from "clerk-ship" to "clerk-house" made by A.C. in manuscript. I had, as you know, applied this post to Saturnus in my mind. I thought to myself: Just for fun let's add up the letters of "clerkship" (by Heb.) on cigarette package, and see what results. I did so mentally and noted it on cigarette package, then checked again, after looking up Sepher Sephiroth—430—with figures on package. 430 did not seem very suitable—yet the idea persisted. I said to myself: if this hunch is correct there should be a real clear reference to Saturn—then we'd really have something. So I took up my pencil and tried again; this time correctly using 300 for the "Sh" in "Clerkship". The result 20 plus 30 plus 5 plus 200 plus 20 plus 300 plus 10 plus 80 = 665; Bur Liber Legis clearly says: a clerkship. Therefore: 666.


Now, then, comes the clearing up of the Mystery on a grand scale of Magick. I'll give it in full detail, for sake of record. It's vitally important.


A.C. identifies himself magically with 666 The Beast. The Beast has a magical Son, then he performs a magical ceremony of Curse of Magus to destroy or defame "The Name Jesus". The value of "The Name Jesus" is 666. The magical Son is led (for purposes of Initiation known to "author" of Liber Legis, but not clear to A.C.) to re-present Jesus (as Isa0Asar=333). At the end of first 22 year period there is a division between the Son and A.C., at the same time A.C. links up with "Saturnus"—he also from the start having affirmed Satan. They travel together most of the second 22 year period; but A.C., as 666, has, as it were, become divided against himself in two "Sons"—"Isa-Asar=333" representing the "destroyed" "Name Jesus", and leaving with him another 'son' which as his other 'half' represented 333 (Confusion, Choronzon), making confusion worse confounded. Before the period is up, A.C. dies, and leaves Saturnus the full mantle of the Beast. Saturnus then becomes 666 in full, so to speak. But what is that? "Clerkship" = 666 = Ommo Satan, the 'Evil Triad' of Satan-Typhon, Apophras, and Besz; see Sepher Sephiroth. That would leave, from one aspect, two contending aspects of 666—a representative of "The Name Jesus" (666) and a representative of Ommo Satan (666), Saturnus—to carry on the work. Thus further division hither homeward and a parting of the ways. This "parting of the ways" has now clearly been chosen by Saturnus, apparently in spite of the advice of Yorke (in his letters) and of Schneider [Max Schneider] on his death bed, and of Achad's offer of Love and some measure of cooperation. Magically, for the moment, that's what we need to understand, and look out for. That's why I'm trying to make it plain to you, as it has now been shown to me only yesterday. Herein, too, is Truth and Justice.


(But there is, perhaps, a further, more concealed mystery. "Clerkship" without the "a" becomes 665, which means "The Womb". So long as "A" does not link up with "Clerkship", Ommo Satan—the evil triad—is not formulated. Saturnus is, after all, a little short of being the full 666. On the other hand, there is a certain correspondence of the "Word" (not known) which gives 667—just one more than 666. This Number means: "The oil for lighting." If we can but "light up" the dark "womb", the Light will Shine in Darkness and the Logos become Manifest. This, then, will show you the wisdom of allowing the "split" with Saturnus to continue; for as long as it does, all is well.)


Now I will try to show you what my intuition tells me is at the root of Saturnus' dislike for Achad, and why it is useless to try and point out to him that he just made a mistake as to Achad's character, etc. from what A.C. may have said to him etc. It would, of course, seem only "reasonable" that Saturnus is shown that there was a mistake about the "books". that A.C. should never have tried to "expel" P.[arzival] from O.T.O., or that A.C. corresponded with Achad as late as 1936 and recognised the possibility of Aeon of Truth and Justice coming in. Those will not, I am convinced, change Saturnus in the least. He just says: Argue not, and retires into superior silence.


But there are such things as "complexes" and "phobias" and "fixed ideas" in human beings—and viewed also magically as an agent of the "Adversary" both to A.C. and myself, this takes on a yet deeper meaning when applied to the ordinary life and affairs of Saturnus.


Without going into a lot of details (for the correspondence is still on hand) this is about how I sum up the situation—I hope not unjustly—for the sake of clarity.


When I was first approached in German by G.[rand] M.[aster] [Heinrich Tränker] after death of O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order], I had to get Schneider (who was jealous) to translate the letter. This led to my notifying A.C. of the event, and to A.C. going to Germany, where he met Saturnus. I had published Q.B.L. (and another book) on my own, after first having offered the discovery of change of paths to A.C., as a means of healing breach with Waite [Arthur Edward Waite] and G.D. [Golden Dawn], if he would only act as advised. A.C. opened a sealed note I entrusted to him to be read only after acceptance of terms of healing breach. He thereafter did not comply, and I published alone, not as official text book of AA I had sent Q.B.L. etc. to Germany. There is was accepted immediately. A translator was chosen (Saturnus, as I have only recently found out), and plans for publication in German were under way. Then A.C. arrived in Germany, and told "T" [Heinrich Tränker], who was to publish, that my books must be changed in certain ways. "T" wrote to me and told me this. I wrote to "T" and asked what right A.C. had to change books for me; under the circumstances, please stop publication for one year until we had time to sort this out. A.C., being out there, got Saturnus to translate my letter to "T", or rather Saturnus had to do so for "T", and A.C. was told of contents. A.C. was doubtless annoyed, and said a few things about Achad to Saturnus. Meanwhile, "T" soon got sick of A.C. and his ways. A.C. went to live with Saturnus. But "T" did not continue with publication of Q.B.L., therefore doubtless Saturnus got it in for me personally, because having done the work of translation, doubtless to be paid out of profit of publication in Germany of my books, his work was wasted.


He thereupon formed a "complex" and a dislike of Achad. He worked in with A.C.—and Schneider—until between them they cooked up the "book" business, and "Saturnus" was to take over my job as "Grand Neophyte". Schneider the book stock". Schneider went wrong on the disposition of the books—turned them over to Schloss—further loss, etc. Germer kept me separated from A.C. as far as possible. A.C.'s work went wrong to the point of having to "sell" himself to "Saturnus" so as to have enough income to support life while he faded away. His last act was to produce Olla and to mess up even his reputation as a poet.


Imagine, then, what happened when, through Handel, Achad cropped up again out of the silence since 1926 (so far as S.[aturnus] was concerned) and began sending messages through Saturnus to A.C. That he counteracted. But after A.C. is dead, and the Will in favour of Saturnus, imagine what hw feels when Yorke gets in touch with Achad, and Achad crops up and in no way opposes the Will, but produces New Aeon, which throws the whole magical formula of A.C. and Saturnus out of gear and into the discard as out of date—while he is quietly taking his holidays and planning to erect a Kaaba to put the MS. in—when what was needed was the original Stélé [Stélé of Revealing] A.C. had failed to produce. No wonder he was silent for a week or so, and then somewhat abusive. One can hardly blame him for feeling a bit annoyed and trying to save "face".


He now tells me that I was inspired (since my fall when he came into the picture and joined A.C.) not by the H.[oly] G.[uardian] A.[ngel], but by his demonic shadow. He remarks: "You yielded. You fell". He then goes on about the New Aeon, and concludes: "The source is clear to the Initiate; your demon will lead you to his planned and awful goal." Then, as an afterthought, he adds in ink: "unless you pull yourself together".


I give you these details to show you his method of trying to strike fear into the hearts of those he is unable to deal with by ordinary straightforward methods, of honestly facing the facts. Thus, he will make a good guardian of the mysteries of Liber Legis, for he does not understand them; and since he is supposed to teach or deal with them as A.C.'s successor, about the most he can do is to sell what books he can, and shut up. If anyone worries him he will snap about the "Direful Judgements", etc.


But in regard to such methods, let me tell you what I found in an old note-book of A.C. relative to his "break up" of the Golden Dawn system. There, he gives his private symbols of working. Just this one detail: "Seal of Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: to strike fear of Jupiter authority and geniality . . . Symbols of Saturn over . . . or at door, so that those who pass come under terror of Saturn".


Now you will see how interesting it is that Saturnus is left in charge, so that no-one shall interpret Liber Legis other than in the way A.C. wanted it to be understood. But the author of Liber Legis knew better, and made right provisions. Mankind was not to be left in such a magical mess. Let Saturnus do the best he can. He may feel quite justified in all he says and does. And doubtless is, from the larger viewpoint.


I feel that it is indeed Providential that things have worked out as they have. Had the New Aeon current not been received and recorded, the Mystery School might under Saturnus have gone further astray, or led others astray. As it is, there may rightly be "division hither homeward" again, but a division that is a blessing if what I showed the "Womb" and the "Light" is correct.


In that case a new Path is really opening up, and, as I remarked earlier, I should like at least Two Companions to help Chart the Way. It is quite useless to publish any of this at present. First it would be necessary to show by publication of my own magical diaries, etc. exactly the way I travelled. It would also be necessary to show more completely the Path taken by A.C. (of which I know nothing of recent years, and it is doubtful if Saturnus can or would supply accurate and truthful details). Then it would be necessary to put the two halves of the picture together and compare them, even more and more minutely as to dates etc. And so on. It may be necessary to let the dead bury their dead. What is needed most is fresh exploration, new Life, the preparation of a True Way, tried and tested, whereby others may be safely led to discover the Great Secret of Human Happiness which the True Adepts have always possessed and been willing to share with the right people—but never with the wrong 'uns.


I ask no recognition nor thanks for anything I've done in the past, or so far in this New Aeon, to help things out for humanity. But, old as I am, I'm all game for fresh adventure with a couple of stout and worthy Knights in honour of our Lady Ma. If we win out, perhaps she-he's going to tell us or show us whether she's the Mother or Daughter or what kind of a funny little thing It's got. Maybe it's the tail of Saturnus—in that case let's tweak it.


Yours in Unity and Love and a sense of humour,







A New Cycle be started this day. A cycle which be more powerful and potent than any which hath preceded it. All be ready for what cometh to pass.


Everyone who be marked for special service in the coming emancipation of souls who be in bondage (to fear, superstition, ignorance and economic strictures, as well as systems which bind them to courses of action against which they secretly rebel), be provided with all necessary retinues of guards, assistants, auxiliary emergency helpers and means of contacting sources of supernal wisdom for all problems beyond their unaided capacity for intelligent decision.


Many of the foremost leaders will be operating under the direct daily guidance of thy Master, Himself. Others will be supervised by those on Invisible Planes, who have descended from on high to thus cooperate with mortals in this, their hour of need.


Never again will mortals be deprived of the counsel and companionship of these Blessed Ones, cave by reason of their own deliberate refusal to heed their words of wisdom, for many will be receptive to their voices which will speak consolation and courage unto all and will make clear their destiny in earthly circumstances.


A vision was vouchsafed to our beloved Marguriette, the which was depicted as a flaming swath of light cut across the sky by the planet, Venus, which typified the creative Love principle of the universe in action.


Now this creative Love-force be in harmony only with those who have by their thoughts and acts identified themselves with it, insofar as their limited understanding permits of such harmony of intent. Unto such as these (even though they may not comprehend the truth in its purity of concept) whose purpose be sincere and their hearts pure . . . unto such shall the illuminating light of Divine Love descend in undiluted radiance, and their eyes shall behold the King of Glory . . . whereat they shall shout and sing for joy!


To those who know not Love but have bowed the knee to that Prince of all powers of darkness . . . unto them shall the brightness come as a threat and a terrible shock, revealing their naked hearts wherein be hid treachery, deceit, blasphemy against God and hatred to all mankind.


Then shall they desire to destroy their own vile selves, when seen in their hideous reality shorn of all vain, gilded trappings denoting earthly power, conferred by the minions of Lucifer in an attempt to quell their fears and weld ever more securely the chains which bind them to his service.


Bereft of all which provided a pleasant sense of luxury and superiority over those who denied themselves the spoils of ill-gotten gains to the end that they might preserve their integrity and fulfil their missions of service to their fellows . . . these traitors to all Truth and Justice will suffer in exact proportion to the measure of their disobedience to those laws by which all sentient beings must abide if they would grow in conformity with their own destiny.


Beholding themselves, as in a mirror, men will no longer strive to delude themselves or one another as to their true character or their allegiance to the one they have chosen to serve. As by common consent they will separate and go their different ways.


As the blinded ones stumble away in the blackness of utter despair, then shall the newly illuminated ones lift their eyes and behold Him who cometh in power and great glory to establish His Kingdom of Peace on Earth!


All this shall transpire in less time than be spent in the telling!


Behold how plainly hath it been told—that ye might not be affrighted at these happenings but, contrariwise, might lift smiling faces unto thy Heavenly Father in gratitude that thy long, weary vigil be past and thy faith rewarded in such wise.


Give no thought of undue pity to those who be "demoted". A longer period of freedom in which to thwart the designs of the Almighty One would but pile up the sum of their guilt and consequent term of retribution.


"Thy Heavenly Father doeth all things well" . . . verily, this be true!


Blessed be thou if thy heart be free from guile and thy hands free from deeds of violence toward the innocent.


Be thou diligent to carry on the work assigned thee for, behold, the day of thy deliverance from the followers of Lucifer be close at hand.


We of the hierarchy bid thee gird up thy loins and prepare for the Day of all days most blest . . . the Day of the Coming of thy Master as Supreme Ruler over the earth and all its inhabitants.


Written this fourteenth day of April, in the Year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Forty Eight and transcribed by one known upon these Higher Planes as "Miriam".


(For additional copies address, SERVITORS, Inc., Box 1259, Santa Barbara, California.)


