Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
3 June 1948
Dear Yorke,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
There is one point in yours or 28/5/48 which I feel should be mentioned in the interests of truth and justice—and historical accuracy.
You remark: "You are unjust to Saturnus [Karl Germer] in thinking . . . that as a result of A.C.'s quarrel with Tränker [Heinrich Tränker], which led to them refusing to allow Tränker to publish your and A.C.'s works, Saturnus, etc."
My letter of 24/5/48 may not have been very clear, but on referring to it you will see that I intended to convey the fact that I refused to allow the publication of my books until a year had transpired.
On the other hand: in 1925, as an official publication of A∴A∴ and Collegium Pansophicum, under the aegis of the latter, A.C.'s works were published in German, with Saturnus' name mentioned on title page as representing Collegium Pansophicum. This was Abteiling VII, Bd. 1. It contained: An Introduction by Tränker. Liber II—The Message of the Master Therion, Liber LXI vel Causae, Post-Cards to Probationers, Liber III vel Jugorum, Liber HHH Sub Fig CCCXLI, AHA, Der Meister Therion—a biographical sketch, Liber I vel Magi, The Heart of the Master von Khaled Khan, To Man etc., One Star in Sight, and Kleine mitteilungen. It also had Official Imprim. of A∴A∴, with seal, and names of Officers in Three Orders. (I have the book before me.)
Things are liable to get in an awful mess if they are presented by one who says "I have much of the contemporary correspondence" just back to the front. "What a life", as the saying goes.
Yours in Love and Unity,
This is far too important a world-problem to allow of any rushing into print or publicity. The big thing is to solve the problem raised by 666 at the end of The Equinox of the Gods re. arch-anarchs?
P.S. I have no German. It was when Schneider [Max Schneider] had read the book above mentioned that he found the "translator" was making such mistakes as calling "Hadit" a "female-devil" that A.C. was written to and advised not to let official A∴A∴ publications further get into print unless properly translated.