Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
10 June 1948
Dear Yorke,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of 6/6/48 just to hand. Many thanks.
When I first mentioned the matter and commented again on 27/5/48 re "April 1st" and writing of Liber Legis, I had not received yours about re-print from The Equinox I.7. I then looked it up and further commented about "first" and 1st. You had not received that last at time of writing on 6/6/48. It remains an open point, and if ever mentioned in record would have to be shown as such. But it could, I think, be cleared up if you have the copy of The Equinox used by printers, or if you got in touch with printers and asked if they have the "copy" in their files. That would settle whether there was a written change or not.[1]
Re mine of May 30th. We must see what comes of it.
Re mine June 1. Yes, I claim to have found at last a solution to riddle of L.L. [Liber Legis] Ch.II.76. This occurred May 30, 1948.
Re. "Word of 1926" I am beginning to wonder whether there is not some connection with II.14 in that regard: "Now let there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness!" The meaning certainly seems well protected. Probably, as I said before, rituals are needed to lead up to it. (Next points have already been dealt with.)
My previous statements lose none of their force now that "Word Not Known" is made clear. I have given this not alone to you and Handel [Albert H. Handel] but to Germer [Karl Germer] and Kowal [John P. Kowal]—as you will now know. Liber Legis was correct, however. It said: "There is division hither homeward, there is a word not known". This Word was known neither to A.C. nor myself. That it was only found after the solution of "riddle"; and when "Home" at last is added proof. The Word of 1926 was known to me though not to A.C. Its value is quite unimpaired. The final Word, if I mistake not, has also something to do with World issue of ISRAEL getting "home" after long dispersion and in the midst of world division. This is too big a subject to take up now. Q.N.A. will throw more light on it, and this I have sent you.
I have sent you the typescript of Working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges]. I think you would be well advised to allow me to use my own discretion, as the spirit moves me, as to just how and when any by what means I deal with material in my own collection, some of which involves a magical trust.
Yours in Unity and Love,
P.S. I think that perhaps one of the reasons that people seem to have so much trouble about the "Word of 1926" is that it was discovered in Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love, and that symbolically one needs to find that "City" and reside there as a cure for blindness.
1—Holograph note by Yorke: "I now have this copy, and it reads 'eighth'."