Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel









27 May 1948



To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.


Fellow Stars,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Further to my letter of May 24th re. the date of the writing of Liber Legis, and to my earlier one of May 16th re. the Greater and Lesser Cycles of Aeons. I think the true explanation may be as follows:


It is probably more correct to use the term "Equinox" in this connection. Thus, in my opinion. it seems most probable that the Fall of the Great Equinox (or Perfect-ion) and that of the Equinox of Ma (Ma-ion) actually coincided. They both fell on April 2nd, 1948 at 1.11 P.M. (P.S.T.).


This can be explained as follows:


The actual date of the writing of Chapter I of Liber Legis was April 1, 1904—All Fools Day. This is in accordance with the statements in Chapter VI of The Equinox of the Gods. There is no explanation given of why the other date, April 8th, has been used. I suggest, however, that when it came to the writing of a special Book on this subject, and since no date was actually shown in the Book of Results. Therion felt justified in announcing a date one week later than he really thought it to be—or perhaps knew it to be. He had always been most zealous of the integrity of his Work, and anxious that the scientific world should not think lightly of it. What would have been the result should he have admitted the correct date—even if after twelve o'clock noon—to have been April Fool's Day, when Chapter I says: "My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one" and mentions "fools" even earlier than that in Verse 11? One can hardly see Therion publishing his most important Book and taking the chance of the public sniggering: "His wife just made an April Fool out of him." So he altered the dates to the 8th, 9th and 10th. Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that when the Seer told A.C. to sit down and write the Book on April 1st, he should turn round and say to her: "Let's wait a week. I'll do it one week from today" and not remember it afterwards. He would, in any event, have said: "Since it was April Fool's Day I simply refused to do so until one week later" and said so in the Comment. This, then, caused one aspect of the time-lag.


BUT, suppose he had not Providentially been allowed to do so. The result, it seems to me, would have been that because of this Greater and Lesser Cycle coinciding in earth time 44 years later and both Equinoxes falling together on April 2, the central Day of the Anniversary of the writing, the recorder would have had no clue to the fact that a Greater and Lesser Cycle of time was involved. However the other facts might then have been recorded, it is unlikely that any such fact would have shown up, and afterwards, as has now been the case, discovered and explained.


Therefore, the Powers that be allowed Therion to make that "falsification" of his records and a "time-lag" in order that the difference in Aeons might first appear, and afterwards be perfectly reconciled, and the Greater and Lesser Equinox shown to have actually fallen on the same day.


And since the earlier date is the correct one, the Greater Cycle of PERFECT-ION, which transcends that of Ma, and Liber Legis, rightly occurred, and was recorded first—as the Aeon of Truth and Justice to the full establishment of which All beings look forward—or perhaps dread the coming into Manifestation.


Since the special "Word"—of which so much mention has been made—while being the "key of the rituals" of the Ma-ion, which continues that of Horus, it becomes evident why it was to be "not known" during the period "hither homeward"; for had it then been given to Therion it would have been applied to the Aeon of Horus alone, and its wider implication and application would have been rendered partitive instead of Integral. The difference of Cycles and their co-incidence in time but not in Importance had first to be discovered and reported.


The Aeon of Ultimate Perfection takes into account the Infinite Plenum of All Perfection, in the Positive sense; the system of the Qabalists and Liber Legis—despite its references to Infinites—does not; or had not previously rightly been shown to do so. This latter point had best be considered as still a MYSTERY.


Yours in Love and Unity,


Achad.  1.06 A.M.  May 28 1948  (P.D.S.T.)


