Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
10 June 1948
Dear Jones,
Your 5/6/48 re. comments and commentaries. You do not yet know the full story. There is yet another comment or commentary which results from the Cephaloedium Working. I have the MSS diary of the working, but the comment or commentary which resulted from it, but which was not completed, does not seem to have survived. I cannot at the moment give you the date as I am having the MSS copied for Germer [Karl Germer]. Do you want a copy? I also have a series of ten visions in which Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] is contacting Aiwass, and asking for interpretations of various verses, and getting qabalistic results. Do they interest you?
John Symonds and I between us have a very nearly complete collection of the old boy's magical diaries from 1919 to 1925 inclusive. He also has all the diaries, but no longer 'magical', from 1928 until the old boy died. I have not however read those which John has for the earlier period, as he is working on them. When he has done with them then I shall have them copied, as the originals go to Germer. Hence in two, three, or four months' time, I shall be able to clear up A.C.'s own attitude to and account of these comments and commentaries. I do not think it will quite agree with your interpretation.
I have the complete typescript less pages 138 of introduction of the 'commentary'. That is to say, each verse of AL with below 'the old comment', and below that the 'new commentary'. These three volumes run from pp. 139 to 626 inclusive but not counting later additions. For instance, I 27 has pp. 208 a—j added, and so on. Have you got the whole or only a small part of this? Do you want to see the full typescript? All my material is at the disposal of earnest enquirers, and you have a greater right to see it than anyone. Are you however in slang parlance prepared to play ball, and let me in turn see the diaries of A.C.'s which you have? I shall continue to harp on this until you tell me one way or the other.
Your 4/6/48. Thanks for Festatin equals 150. I was obsessed by T being Tau instead of Teth. As Tau it works out as follows:
which is quite nice. [Added in hand:] The cosmic egg nourished in the salt sea breaks in two (your twin manifestation) and lightens our eyes.
I find A.C.'s interpretation of the primes from 11 to 100 extremely useful. Have you got them? I copied them from his 777. They have not been published.
Hell I check my figures and find an error.
Ref. your 3 stones. 936 is 6 x 156 and back to Babalon!