Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



July 19, 1948



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I return herewith duplicates of your letters to C.S. Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] of April 22 and May 18, 1948. Roy [Roy Leffingwell] read naught to me but a copy of his letter to you, acknowledging receipt by him of this letter of May 18, for he stated: Karl asked me to make available a copy of his letter to Jones; but Jane, I am not doing so because I am tired of these personalities that have been going on ever since the organization of the O.T.O., and that he was writing you to this effect. I thank you for mailing me these duplicates; they are informative and instructive.


O that I could read German—for many reasons. Ishrah's [Herbert Schmolke] advent in my life makes it still more desirable. Your news of him is indeed interesting. I shall, of course, be glad for any news you may see fit to pass on to me. His last to me is of April 10. I answered this letter May 28, and have been promising myself to write him again during the last 2 or 3 weeks. I wondered if the post out of Germany—or into it, for that matter—was interrupted. Mary K. sent 2 or 3 CARE'S during the June-July period; one always gets a receipt from the recipient or a refund of the money in case of non-delivery. So we will know eventually.


There has been, possibly still is, a current abroad near enough for one to encounter. For instance: In the elevator of a Department Store some time in June, I became "aware" first of the women in the elevator as a group—then as a vibration—and we all flowed together in this pulsating vibration. I have in the past experiencing a flowing with a room, or things in a room, the life of trees, things seen on the street; but never have I got so close to the human. But none of these things are vital enough to illuminate the mind. . . . Of course! In my case it is the accepting and living of these states when they occur—without thought intruding—so that one becomes stabilized in the knowing, that the knowing can be turned into doing automatically when needed; and thereafter comes the understanding?—after the automatic use? Have I analysed this correctly?


I noticed at times in the class that ideas and words flowed out of me which had not occurred to me previously—the group evoked them. As a result I am having more confidence in myself. Inarticulateness of speech ordinarily has always been my stumbling block—it gave me a feeling of insecurity, and therefore lack of confidence. Conversation in many cases puts me to rout. I have no difficulty with individuals who come to me "to talk things over".


In this connection, let me say that a short while back I had a slight, slight realization of the dynamic militant aspect of Thelema. But here all is darkness once more.


July 21.

I did not finish this Monday, here is Wednesday, and yesterday came a letter from Ishrah, postmarked 10th of June—written the 8th. He acknowledged a CARE sent 31st March, nothing in April, CARE in May with two weeks of each other!


Regarding his experience of which you wrote, he adds: "In the days from the 24th May to the late June of this year I wrote a great poem with the title: 'The Aeon of Horus'. Contents: In poetic form without any name (so was the inspiration)—not: so was the strict order—the myths of Osiris, Isis, Horus and Seth, particularly the fight between Horus and Seth. I was inspired to write it in great haste and to make a threefold commentary, because the aspects of the poem are threefold: historical, personal and spiritual-psychological. The commentary has a volume of 10 pages of the size of this letter and was written within 5 hours. The next day I sent a copy to Frater Saturnus [Karl Germer]. It is a pity that you don't know German but for me it is impossible to translate it into English because it is to difficult for me the translation in poetic form."


I did not expect him to write me about it, but I cannot help but be pleased that he did so. Of course, I hold this and your information in trust—members with a little knowledge prattle and prattle, while those more mature some times indulge in jealousy—neither of which amuse me.


He set me up a horoscope which is a work of art in its blue and red tracings, with other blue figures, and the natal with red and green tracings. Never have I seen a chart with such variety and number of figures, letters, and little lines. I am quite sure Roy will know of it, but I shall show it to him, and also ask the meaning of MC or M.G.—that he should know.


In any event I can't read horoscopes, but I do find it interesting that he brings in Neptune/Uranus in my "Irruption of the unconscious" and the Vision I had of Aleister January 11, 1919, which took me to Cefalu eventually, and which Aleister linked with Leah [Leah Hirsig]. Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] placed the Irruption with Sun-Uranus—I did not mention the Vision to him.


Georgia [Georgia Schneider] was in for dinner last week one evening. We had an enjoyable 3 hours alone—Mary K. at the Hospital, Allene in a nursing home.


Oh, for the first time, Aleister was in and out of dreams last night, and some where along the line I came smack up against the fear which accounts for the lack of confidence. I will analyse this later and then write up my deductions.


Love is the law, love under will.


Bestest love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],




