Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



October 15, 1948



Dear Jane,




In a hurry a few lines. I have just received a letter from one of A.C.'s attorneys in London back from the times of the suit Crowley vs. Constable in 1934. In the course of that action A.C. pawned to his attorney a lot of MSS. and books. I have received a list of the books which this man holds and he asks me for an offer on all or some of the items.


I wish I could buy the whole lot. As it is this is impossible. I am writing to him to give me details as to the various number of the Equinox and of Book 4 parts 1 and 2. In the meantime I am sending you a copy of the list with the numbers given to me and one without.


Personally, I am interested in the Winged Beetle which does not appear on the market here any more, and Book 4, also a copy of Rodin in Rime which I do not have. I would like to have a copy of the Sword of Song, provided it is the large edition as I remember on excellent paper, the cover marked all over with 666's.


You might take this up with Ray [Ray Burlingame] who seems the only one who would be able to buy anything, and particularly with Paul Milliken who should return next week. I always wanted to have a set of the three 'Rosa's' [Rosa Coeli, Rosa Inferni & Rosa Mundi] again (with each one a drawing by Rodin), but the stuff from Belgium that just arrived contains a set. But I'm sure Paul would like a set and also a Rodin in Rime. Would it be possible to get Paul to go into the book interests, buy the whole lot get it over here and gradually distribute it to dealers on the West Coast? I'll try to get full details on the stock.


Incidentally, I have not talked to Paul on financial help for either the printing of Liber Aleph etc. or the H.Q. The reason is simply that I am without any news whatever from the printer in Hastings and do not know where I stand.


One more word about Paul, as I failed to mention it in my last letter to you. What Paul experienced appears to me as a Tiphereth illumination; he told me some details which sound like the Beatific (lower beatific) Trance, and also the Universal Joke. If my assumption is correct he should pursue the important work of finding out how the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] speaks to his soul, increase his understanding of his language and communications, progress his intimacy with him so that at long last he may be able to face the higher ordeals.


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Love to you, fraternally,




