Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



January 3, 1949



Dear Jane,




I think I still have not answered yours of Dec. 11, and now comes yours of Jan. 1st at the moment when I'll have to go away on a business trip. Generally speaking I have to neglect my correspondence until I'll get some sort of secretary. That, in turn depends on the H.Q. being ready for living; and that, I hope, will be by the end of this month. Until then I'm handicapped all around.


No letter from Roy [Roy Leffingwell] to two, I think, of mine.


No word from Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] re-resignation as Treasurer. It might be necessary to go back to the old system of each one to send M.O. [Money Order] direct to me?


What is so bad is gossip and unnecessary talk. I believe that Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell] is O.K. for Thelema at the bottom of her mind. But seen from this distance, several remarks made from various members of the Rancho camp, make one sit up, and watch. I wish all of the isolated members or former members would talk to you from time to time.


Is there any word from Jean Cooper? I've sometimes been thinking of her. I suspect that her in-laws are devout Catholics; and that would put her to severe tests. Is there any way to help her? She started so well.


Still, I feel that the only one among all Agape Lodge members who is doing work regularly is Jean. and she is the only one of whom I can say that she shows signs of making progress on the path. There must be an insistence on Work; otherwise nothing moves, but stagnates!!


I agree with what you say about O.T.O. vs. a new Order. However, A.C.'s Constitution is for the 'Order of Thelemites'. No importance now. It'll have to be discussed at the proper time and with leisure. Some sort of foundation for a new start of Organisation of an Order will have to be made. May-be this year? May-be 1950, which the Pope calls the 'Holy Year'; of which I have long been expecting something important.


Yes, by all means, send Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke] copy of Ararita; also if you have the time, of Liber Trigrammaton.


Hugh [Hugh Christopher]:—R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit]: Let him not forget The Heart of the Master which contains aspects of the complex problem of diving deeper.—What do mean when you say: "Hugh is set to raise the Beast, etc." I'd like to know more about this. Never forget that The Book of the Law always speaks pf "The Beast", and the Thou always means this generally. Aleister Crowley has no place in this scheme of things. Thus the death of the mortal body of the tool used by the author of The Book of the Law has no bearing whatever on the teachings of Liber AL. The Beast is a four-dimensional being, who did not die (excuse me for being so trite!), but which is active and very much alive, and operative all the time.


Re your paragraph at the end of "Two world spirits":—Why not? Study A.C.'s poem "The Twins" in The Winged Beetle (I recommended it to Ishrah some time ago); but there are many other passages in A.C.'s writings bearing on the matter of what I always used to call the ball players scheme of the Universe. If you want to play ball you have to have two. So also in the Universe. And in The Book of the Law we have the Beast and the Scarlet Woman; in nature: female and male; Nu and Had; LXV and VII are replete with this fact that there must be two who create Adonai: the Heart and the Serpent (I tried to show this up in my two lectures in L.A.) And Nuit says "None and two", "for I am divided for love's sake", etc.—I am not quite clear myself when it says "The half of the Word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut", which means, I think, a twin division of the central conception which unites the two. Somewhere, I can't remember at the moment, A.C. has more on this subject.


I'm sure Patricia MacAlpine would take second-hand clothes and shoes. Anything. She is very poor.


Your remarks about the circumstances of Max [Max Schneider]—Jean—Georgia [Georgia Schneider]—the Ranch, do not cover the facts. But I'm too busy. Jean knows all about that phase, may have the day by day facts in her diary. I remember that Max refused point blank to be moved to Rhea; for one thing.


I've just taken steps to get the cases of A.C.'s material shipped to the H.Q., though it is too early, but I was to impatient.



Love it the law, love under will.


I thought I did send you the Greetings of the Solstice, but it seems now it was done only in my mind. Let us forget such formalisms as Xmas and New Year!


Give my love from both of us to Mary K. and there is lots of it for you!




