Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[27 September 1949]
My attitude to Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has cooled since he took up correspondence with me again. Your letter only tends to confirm my views, or, shall I say, my suspicion? I also have been strengthened in my greater firmness by letters I received about WTS from Georgia [Georgia Schneider] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen], asking whether I had changed. I have not. But I did not wish to refuse even a vague appeal for re-instatement to a brother who claims to, devote himself to Thelema.
Still, you will remember that I asked you to be careful when seeing WTS again. Several symptoms have come up since then to make me more sceptical. Now your letter which ought to put you clearly on your guard. Jean wrote in a letter received today that she found a letter among Max's [Max Schneider] papers from 666 in which he says very definitely that "he must never be allowed activity in the Order again, as it would be detrimental to all".