Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N. Y.

Endicott 2-6799



January 17, 1950



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your very informative letter, and your M.O. [Money Order] came to-day. Thank you for both! To take the latter first, I was waiting for it and sent off A.A.'s [Aleister Ataturk] school fees through the bank in the afternoon. So you can see how welcome your increased contribution was.—Economically, things have not been too easy at this end the last year. Business slack; studio ditto; expenses and the responsibility for H.Q. a burden. The only contributions those I get from you and Jean [Jean Sihvonen]. You can understand how important a role they had to plat. But I hope 1950 will be better. I wish Jean were here. She could, I'm sure, make easy money if she were here now.


Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] is too valuable to be neglected, and I'm glad you kept after her. Roy [Roy Leffingwell] told me that he had a way with women that his technique made all the women he had adore him. But this is an outer thing, a perfected technique which any rascal could utilize for enslaving them. Ph[yllis]. must learn to understand. Her problem is her "possessiveness" which she has to sublimate to a higher plane.  It stems from a good quality: the intensity of the devouring urge. But the tool (in this case the man) is not the object of the aim. She must not mix up Roy with Adonai. Nor her H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel].


Did you get a chance to read "Heavenly Bridegrooms" (by Ira Craddock), reviewed by A.C. in the Blue Equinox pp. 280-281? It is a very valuable book; I sent to California some years ago, and it seems nobody understood it. Ira C. had her H.G.A. and give quite a lot of information about the K.[nowledge] & C.[onversation]. In her case the H.G.A. manifested as such after his physical death. As these manifestations pertain to four-dimensional planes, it seems that such a relation would be hardly possible if the two beings would happen to meet on the material plane, unless one has already advanced far above anything that can be called human. Fortunately, the influence of the H.G.A. from the higher plane, let me say as a discarnate being, is much more effective, provided the soul has once attained to the K. & C. It seems to me that Ph. did slide into this some years ago; that she had her communion with her H.G.A.; that she did not fully understand wither his nature nor his language; that like Elsa in Lohengrin, she wanted the intercourse to take place in the physical body, and that as a result he went back to the Graal from where he came.


What she says about 'Roy having to release her' is absolute bunk. It is she who has to release 'Roy' whom she "winds about with her close coils LXV, II" and then go back to her H.G.A. and apply the same process on Him. Through HIM is the only salvation, ALL other media are temporary, and, if persisted in, poison to the soul.


I will be glad to send her Heavenly Bridegrooms. May-be she will understand it. But you can do another thing: write a letter to Mr. Theodor Schroeder, Cos Cob, Conn. and ask him for a copy of the book. Enclose $2.00 and ask him id he can send you any other literature on the strange case. He is poor, and is looking for an "Angel" to finance his books on this and other material. Don't mention my name. He lives on the Occasional sale of his stock.


Other "partners" for Ph.? Why, she can have as many as she wants, if only she will remain true to her H.G.A. She hurt and offended HIM very deeply when she began to 'toy with old sweetnesses' by devoting herself, by worshipping, a mere man Roy Leffingwell in favour of HIM! I wish you would sear this complex of facts into every fibre of her soul. It can make me so mad!


It is allright for you to giver her as much Thelemic food as you have. But don't give her indigestion; let her first learn her vital lesson; transform herself magically; eradicate 'Roy' for ever; and learn again to listen to the subtle voice of her H.G.A. In time, as she learns, this voice will become ever clearer. Then only, if she follows this voice, will she become calm.


I hope I have been complete enough about this matter, but ask or write me any time there is a question.


Roy? It is one of those sad cases of becoming obsessed by vv. of Liber AL 220. He: expecting to become A.C.'s 666's heir!!! The man must have been a lunatic. What has he done ever to merit it? Well, I have seen stranger things; no: of many strange things I've seen, this is one of the strangest! We better forget him! Why should any new partner of Ph.' be "Aleph-Lamed"? Roy's number of 111 is the number of several people connected with the work, in case she refers partly to this. Or does it only mean that he should be a Thelemite (because Liber AL)? But that title of the book is not complete, the full title is secret, anyway.


I'm glad to hear about your extension of your circle and your library. One never knows where a seed will grow up to bloom in a garden, and one must not care. As you well know, the tending of the garden is the sole object; besides, we ought to work in eternity, not in time.


I have no word about the progress of LXV with Comment; as soon as I get the first copies you'll get one.


Love is the law, love under will.


Ever fraternally and with love from Sascha [Sascha Germer],




P.S. Y'day came a note from Jack Parsons; is coming to N.Y. for 4 or 5 days. I wonder! Once bitten twice shy. He broke a pledge to me once (poisoned by Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]); he may yet be in touch with him.  K.


