Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. Germer 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y. Endicott 2-6799
August 4, 1950
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Thank you very much for your M.O. [Money Order] for $25. It is a great help, still, though Paul [Paul Millikin] also sent me $50, this time it will be a narrow squeeze. And we are so terribly short at this end.
I had no notion that Paul had given Ero [Ero Sihvonen] $100, nor that Ero and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] were back in Barstow. I have written Ero c/o Georgia [Georgia Schneider].
Sorry, I can't help too much with your question re 0=2 beyond that respective: Letter" in Magick Without Tears. Briefly, Nuit says "none and two . . . for I am divided with the object (or any two opposites) it does not become "One", but Zero. If you divide an apple in two halves (as was done to the Universe, it appears, by the act of "Creation"), and let them lead separate lives for ages, aching each one half to unite with the other half, their getting together again, after vainly trying to find the exact opposite through endless ages, creates a blissful happiness, and they form a circle again, a Whole (apple) Zero. Substitute for each half apple a male and female of any species, or plus and minus, positive and negative electricity, the result of the union is always bliss, heat, light.
We should not confuse this Nuit-cosmic conception applying to a Law governing the whole cosmos which includes all nebulas, stars, all galaxies, etc. etc., with the local system of, say Ararita where 418 is a special case in the possible union of Hadit and Nuit. Suppose I would say that Ra Hoor Khuit is ONE child of Their ruling this present Aeon. Then this is but One event while Nu and Had are eternal principles valid in this, the last, and the future Aeon.
This explanation, or attempt at an explanation, will certainly not satisfy you, nor me. Each chapter-verse starts with a 0, and descends in the attributions down from Kether to Malkuth, and then dissolves them again. You cannot transpose different systems, as you cannot do it with languages. The letters "RAT" in English means a rodent; the same in German "counsel, or Advice".
May-be on another occasion I can write better and sounder on this. I am no good at intellectual analysis or argument.
I have no definite judgment on Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]. If he is a true Thelemite he should accept 666's instruction to all Thelemites re Aleister Ataturk. Reactions in such primitive things are good touch-stones.
Frederic [Frederic Mellinger] gets great praise for his lectures on Theatre matters; has published a book (in German) which is first-rate and deep. He tries to bring in Thelemic thought through his art. He has written some plays. 666 thought very much of him and expected more.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thanks for your good wishes which we reciprocate.
P.S. Did you send for the copies of your letters from 666? Will I get a set of copies? K
P.P.S. No reason why you should not read the "Paris Working"! It should not pass into unauthorized hands. Jean should not have except through Max's death.
P.P.S. August 5
I have just answered Monte's [Gabriel Montenegro] letter of early last month and find his letter to you and your reply. From what you say that he has been in L.A. I fear he has been with Roy [Roy Leffingwell], and my conviction is firm that Roy has become a "center of pestilence" and is of the greatest danger to all who contact him. Because thee demonic influences are so subtle and so pernicious, people pooh-pooh such remarks. But you should know better. Tell me what you know about whether Monte saw R.[oy] or not.
What brings me to this in your paragraph to him about the "teacher". Monte seems to have some peculiar fantasies about many such things. Why not have common horse sense? When you are in first grade you have another teacher than in the 5th grade. Your school marm teacher would be unsuited to you when you have risen to a grade where a university professor or an Einstein teaches you. A.C. had innumerable teachers, he went from one to another to learn from each, to 'pick the brain' of each of them in their field. And then you reach the stage where each pupil is your teacher; when, understanding that every event is a particular dealing etc., you ought to accept 65 as your direct teacher through that particular event.
I would like to keep the copy of your reply to Monte of May 25 as it contains so much information that was unknown to me. If you want it back, tell me.
Love, K