Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
August 12, 1950
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of August 4, for which I thank you. I am sorry to have put you to the time and effort of writing re 0=2. You gave that pretty thoroughly in your letter to Roy [Roy Leffingwell] of March 21/49, copy of which you sent me. It was in relation to Naught equals Two that I wanted the information re "Say thou that He God is One". It was the use of "One", and this you have now explained by calling my attention to 418 as one event while Nu and Had are eternal principles. Which is a help to me, I am grateful.
I shall watch Wilford [Wilfred Talbot Smith] re money matters. At present I take him at his face value because they are having a tough time holding on, and have gone hungry at times doing so. Meantime Smith is carrying out a consignment for his German friend—Smith being an excellent cabinet maker. When the persnickety Chinese job is finished he will get some money, though not market prices. Also, as I believe I wrote you, he will apply for his Security Pension this fall.
I will present him with a copy of Baphomet's Instruction to the members re Aleister Ataturk, and wait for the Fall to demonstrate his willingness to contribute.
Yes, Yorke [Gerald Yorke] had the letters and returned them possibly six weeks ago—maybe a month. I was surprised at their quick return. He said one of the three copies was to be sent you. At one time he left London during the summer. Perhaps he still does so? I have not yet answered his later letter, but must do so shortly.
Monty [Gabriel Montenegro] called on Roy [Roy Leffingwell]. This he took up pretty thoroughly with Ray [Ray Burlingame], and Ray just as thoroughly went over Roy from all angles with Monty in return. Ray thinks he has one new angle to consider—he, Monty. I was glad he stayed with the B[urlingames]'s [Ray and Mildred Burlingame] because the Mexican can talk more freely with a man than a woman. I get at Monty much better through letters.
I would like to have the copy of my reply to Monty of May 25, but shall be glad to make a copy of it for you.
I rather think Paul [Paul Millikin] has made a step forward.
a. He had been building up a tension for many days; until finally Dorothy suggested a trip. However, one day after breakfast at home he went into town to his office, where he possibly stayed till afternoon when he sallied forth to the Goodfellows' Grotto on Main Street, to mingle with old cronies and imbibers. This eventually got him into the hands of a Main Street character of no mean ability and accomplishments.
b. Paul brought this stabilized, poised, and simple fellow—having faced innumerable situations and solved them in his own manner, to call on me and tell me that at last he (Paul) would have another San Francisco experience, because "Henry" would pilot him thither and yon. I found this man of about 40 thoroughly fascinating, but all that is too long a story; but as I write I wonder if I was brought into the situation so that Paul should be guarded and finally put safely into a cab, and that this man had to meet me so as to be impressed into a bodyguard. And he carried out his job to the letter.
c. They left, and headed straight for Main Street. The evening was a total flop, and for days Paul was in "a somber state." His words.
As a result of the above Paul reported to me eventually, "I lost all my toys!" And further: "I know now I must get to the forces back of the symbol." (His toys: symbols) I take this to mean he is loosening the grip of Nephesch. And in all this I see the hand of the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel], step by step as I have numbered the paragraphs above.
I understand somewhat at least the pupil being the teacher. Many are the times Hugh [Hugh Christopher] or Paul put me on the spot, and made me formulate the incoherent, for instance. And they have modified me in more subtle ways, Paul in one way, Hugh in another. H[ugh]., it seems to me, gets nearer to actuality than Paul—the latter needs the maze of intellect. But what influence he could wield if . . . if . . . ? I am not impatient; and in fact now feel encouraged.
Sunday, Aug 13. John Eller, former member of the Order, stopped by last night. He is foreman of a State road-building gang, which opens up new highways, north, south, east and west in California. Their family having all married, he and his wife Thelma live in a trailer and so have their own home wherever he is detailed. This by way of introduction.
They had called on Roy earlier in the day, having been brought into the work by Roy, and gave me the following report.
A recent visit to the doctor disclosed Roy weakening almost perceptibly. Blood pressure now 170, pulse disturbance, legs and feet shaky. The doctor, it seems, is and has been curious about a persistent "mental block". A deep inner fear could cause this, no doubt, and from the first he was badly scared. The doctor said Roy might linger for some time, or go rather shortly. The Ellers also, as did Ero [Ero Sihvonen], Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and myself Easter Sunday, think he is childish.
The Ellers promised to call again, and I will then have ready a copy of Baphomet's instruction re Aleister Ataturk. They were always helpful, so now a foreman could contribute something.
Love is the law, love under will.
All LOVE to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer].