Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. Germer 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y. Endicott 2-6799
August 17, 1950
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of Aug. 5th with $50 M.O. [Money Order]—You must have received my thanks and confirmation of the $25 M.O. you had mailed me before?
I hear Monte [Gabriel Montenegro] has visited Roy [Roy Leffingwell] and I have seen fit to warn him. You, surely, must know Aleister's practice in such cases? He usually forbade all members of the Order to have any further contacts with a fallen candidate. The fact is that a candidate who breaks a magical oath loses his spiritual integrity. It is as if the Secret Chiefs Themselves take a hand and deal out the proper punishment. Anyway, the man loses any spiritualism he may have had; instead of his "Angel" he becomes obsessed and controlled by his "demon", his evil persona, and is a "center of pestilence" in the strictest sense of the word. For that reason sympathy visits on Roy Leffingwell and similar things are a magical crime to oneself. I feel sure that people who disobey such laws, feel themselves sooner or later the evil contamination they were foolish enough to permit.
I do hope that Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] will have visited Roy for the last time. May-be I should have issued a stern warning a year ago. Anyway, may-be their removal to Barstow was a blessing.
It may well be that W.T. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] should after all be put in the same class, and you should keep your eyes open. Do not imitate me when I keep in touch with him. I am gradually getting to see WTS's position. He is bitten by the same bug that bit and destroyed so many others.
Love is the law, love under will.
Will mail this in N.Y.
Ever yours,
P.S. N.Y.
Found yours of Aug. 12 now.
Your information & news very interesting, but leaves nothing to add at the moment.
Love again from Sascha [Sascha Germer] too.