Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. Germer 260 West 72nd Street New York 23, N.Y. Endicott 2-6799
August 26, 1950
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of Aug. 12, arrived after mine of Aug. 17.
Did you send me a set of the letters Yorke [Gerald Yorke] returned to you? If not, please do!
I enclose Monte's [Gabriel Montenegro] letter to you and your reply of May 25. Thanks!
Your note re Paul [Paul Millikin] and Hugh [Hugh Christopher]: the basis for the 'pupil being the teacher', I think is that through your training and growth you have Understanding on higher planes, unconscious planes. It is like a reservoir of water that is untapped. The moment someone taps it, the water runs freely. It may occur to you that when questions are asked ('tapped') you may answer and be surprised at what you say, and only understand later the meaning in your own conscious mind. I'd be glad if Hugh and Paul would make real progress.
What is the latest from Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]? Thanks for your report on the Ellers [John Ellers]. May something come of it.
There is nothing else now. The cable for A.A.'s [Aleister Ataturk] school went off: I'm awaiting the last shipment from London of A.C.'s material any moment now. After sifting it I can at last start on some sort of preliminary catalogue. The job is tremendous that ought to be done But I am confident that the time will come when I can work with some constant help. Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] remark on 'magical attacks' and I feel they are right. But I also think we have weathered the worst and that smoother sailing is ahead.
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever yours with love,