Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[22 June 1952]



Thursday, June 19, at 8 p.m. we held a Mass for Jack [Jack Parsons] at Beechwood Drive Present were the 2 Burlingames [Ray and Mildred], Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] and her 3 children, Betty [Sara Northrup], Georgia [Georgia Schneider], Ed, Meeka [Meeka Aldrich], Louis Culling [Louis Culling], Marie [Marie Prescott], Dr. Goodwin.


Through Forman [Ed Forman] or Betty, Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] learned that Jack and C.[andy] [Majorie Cameron] had been divorced. When they teamed up again, we don't know.


Tuesday, June 17, Jack was killed by an explosion of materials on which he was working. Hospitalized, he was conscious for about an hour (according to the papers) but was unable coherently to explain what happened. He was pretty badly mutilated and the body was not shown. At the undertakers, where Smith, Helen [Helen Parsons] and I called, we were told to remember Jack as we knew him. No service; cremation. C. and two of Jack's friends lighted a candle and sat silently, each with his own thoughts.


Jack's friends have taken care of all arrangements, bills, etc., etc. One of these friends said the newspapers were incorrect in their statements, and that in a week he would call and give the true story to Smith, which will then be transmitted to you.


Please note this. Two weeks ago Tuesday, or Wednesday; Jack and C. called. At that time he said: "I am through here—there is nothing more for me—so I am going to Mexico." — — — "I will likely be back some time." And he was in a relaxed, happy mood.


. . . "through here" . . . "going to Mexico" which then represented G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement] to him. "going to Mexico" could be translated to "another country? elsewhere?" On hearing of his death, I instantly thought the "Unconscious message was not properly interpreted. Also I could not quite banish the thought of willed departure. Helen went me one better: "The Gods stepped in before he met a worse fate." C. was going with him!


After the above-mentioned decision, Jack sold all their possessions except a few things to take along: record-player and disks, 'occult' books, the "Black box with Qabalistic signs on it" etc. He was packed to leave Tuesday the 17th. An order from a studio stopped him and it was on this order we was working when he was killed. (Newspapers)


The papers today hint at foul play. I enclose clippings and will let you know any further particulars. However, the news from Jack's friend to Smith will be more authoritative. The police ransacked Jack's things, to see if anything of a secret nature was to be worked on or out in Mexico. So they say. This is where the 'black box' with its signs was opened and given to the papers.


Now for Phyllis. About three weeks ago, Helen, Smith and I called on Phyllis when S. took down to her a record-player which Helen had ordered for P. so that Stella could hear well-played piano pieces. A friend of P. buys an occasional record for Stella to study. This resulted in an invitation to Beechwood over a week-end, which took place Saturday and Sunday (today). Helen also asked Sunny for a week so that Kwen [Kwen Parsons] would have a companion of his own age.


The Mass for Jack brought Phyllis to Beechwood Thursday evening. Horne again and in bed, she pondered the visit to Beechwood, and brought out something like the following: "Jane has been healing old wounds, making possible a reunion of forces; that there will be a big upheaval in the U.S., and therefore the Order group must adhere more closely. By this I do not mean, necessarily, opening the Lodge. It is more like standing, by each other, a re-uniting of sorts. Please let me know what you think of this.


