Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
[undated: circa 1953]
Dear Karl,
I am not trying to improve on Aleister's English, which is extremely excellent. So much that I can't believe it if he uses the wrong tense to fit the subject "thou" or uses an incomplete sentence with no verb or leaves out a word when quoting from Liber AL, Magick in Theory and Practice, or Book of Lies, or misspells an important technical term.
I think, perhaps, errors might have crept in through the typists or stenographers who were employed and who perhaps had no Thelemic background, or a background of long working with Aleister or—or—
Every change made is discussed thoroughly with Jane [Jane Wolfe], who does have a Thelemic background, was Aleister's secretary for a time, and who, in cases of doubt, certainly ought to have a basis on which to judge. (You not being out here to consult on these very minor matters.)
Jean [Jean Sihvonen] herself notices a funny parenthesis formation, which I had copied exact.
Well, that's what we get for looking at it with an eagle eye, I guess. Four of us doing it! From the secretarial standpoint! Do you know that, I personally, read each letter text three times before the Master leaves my hands? Once to type it, where lots of details get noticed, once to check immediately after typing, and once to read to Jane while she checks my typing. Then Jean and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] check. We are bound to notice small details, or errors in this way.
I am on page 227 of the masters I am typing, in the middle of Letter 50, and am not in the least worried about being able to finish before school starts. The proof-reading with Jane will take longer, though. She can only make it down here once a week—it is a great effort for her—(I suspect somewhat exhausting!) and we cannot do too much on that account. However, I would rather have her proof-reading than anyone else's because she too, is very good at English and has the afore-mentioned excellent background.
I have to bow before you and Aleister's superior wisdom as to "Magical Attacks" etc. But there is this to say: were not the "dragons" of old untapped powers residing in the "unconscious?" More specifically, the powers hidden in sex—which if misused lay waste the "countryside" or more properly, the individual misusing them. Were not the "monsters" and "Wicked knights" which King Arthur's court valiantly fought, but their own Inertia or dark side, or characteristics which opposed further travel on the "Path of Light?" And then they had freed the maiden—was not that a freedom won for their souls? Some of the stories even parallel the K.[nowledge] and C.[onversation] of the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel].
There may be "magical attacks" (I am unfortunate never to have experienced any other than those I could clearly trace to my own unconscious, or nephesh, or ruach, or what not) but the point that carries importance is that they ought not to be talked of carelessly except where there is proof. If the difficulties surrounding one can be traced to the environment one stubbornly clings to, or to preconceived or set notions in the mind or to incidents suppressed in the unconscious because of shame, fear, or terror, etc., then I think they ought to be dug out, faced squarely, and actions based on the knowledge and understanding thus gained.
It would seem to me to be very weak to blame many incidents on "enemies" or what not, when all the time it was yourself. I am alarmed, because I have seen others do it, others who offered no proof of enemies, who swallowed whole the myth that their slight troubles came from living near a Catholic Church or what not—and who copied, apparently, related attitudes from you or A.C.
However, I'm perfectly willing to admit that there are superior powers, and in my own experience I offer the "proof" of my becoming an instrument for forwarding the Work. For I astonish my conscious mind by my determination. But the "proof" is far too long for this letter—so I shall get it down in the Diary and you shall read it someday. However, I could only become an instrument because of my own peculiar "outer shell" or ruach + nephesh, which was formulated by That Nothing—bringing us right back to responsibility for every event to the Center.
Perhaps it is only more needful that we know and act from that Center? (It certainly swept away with one blow, lots of my fears, inhibitions, or what not. I find myself constantly referring back to it and acting accordingly.
Also, you say this: (Tiphareth [my spelling] and Kether are in the center column, but right and left are the Sephira that in themselves are unbalanced" (You spelt it "Tipharet").
Is not the Tree Of Life the Whole Man? The unbalanced forces to right and left, yes—but in the individual. Let us only face the squarely, know them and Understand.
Once I wrote the thing to you, the words had not much more to do with me personally. The reality of it exists elsewhere than in the words. They are clumsy and inept.
Also, who said "know Thyself?" Also the oath of the A∴A∴? dealing with that very subject—"the nature and powers of my own being."
Powerful advice—and I am sure it leads to power over Life—and "enemies"—and "magical attacks.,"
This must be all—while I rest my back from "typewriter fatigue."
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P.S. About H.Q.! Things have got to turn out right. And I notice that if instructions are followed, they generally do, and no broken bones or sacrifices either. Crowley also remarks on this matter in Letter 50. Thelema will be promulgated if we don't fight against it! Sometimes this means a step in the dark—but this inconvenience is more than balanced by the Joy of Obedience.