Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



January 23, 1953



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Jan. 20 with enclosures from "Candy" [Marjorie Cameron]—a peculiar birthday message of stuff.


This whole Candy stuff coming to me all at once, after I had always considered the very name as absurd and worthless, comes a bit as a surprise, and I don't know yet what to make of it. It can be utter madness, genuine hallucination, or—the very contrary. Reading her material could give me a sort of hunch of what she is driving at, or working on. But I'd have to know a lot more first.


You did not send me her birth data. Please do! What is her maiden name? What are all her first names? It would be needful to go a little deeper into this.—If she has an air of fire nature, with a fiery sign rising, and otherwise many fiery planets prominent, she may have a natural capacity of being attuned to the world's of Fire. I am earth, way-down earth, with an 50 or 60 year-old crust of earth around a core that is at least able to evaluate natures so diametrically different. The more I'd know about her, the more I like. I remember that she was supposed to go to Europe years before Jack's [Jack Parsons] death, and visit A.C. Why did she not do it?


Is she referring to the "Paris Working" when she says that A.C. gave birth to her three years before she was born? That was in Jan.-Feb. 1914.—She says "seven years ago Jack began an opus he called Babylon". I remember him on one of his visits here to try to draw me out on who 156 was. He may have been obsessed by the thought of finding out and continued ops.—I did not know that A.C. asked him to do a working in the sense you state. I wonder when exactly this was? It seem Candy (the name makes me always think of "Happiness Candy", can't help it! She surely must have been born with a more magical name or names!) has very valuable material in her guardianship, which I hope she will preserve!—Is that wonderful lover C.[andy] mentions Jack?—Your letters do not make clear who the names, places, and persons are, such as "the Mexican", "an English woman". "a woman in Malibu", "Booth", are; the role they play in the drama, so that I could get a clear picture. It's fine to be brief, but not at the price of vagueness.—But please do not make an effort to amplify!


What I don't understand is why C. expects June to bring the "birth"? What period is at the back of the reasoning? 9 months? Not possible! unless it would be her own continuation of a given work, an op. done, say, in Sept. 1952. June is the time when the Green Man comes.


I can send you 11 copies of AL, cheap London ed. if you want them for Candy.—What is the "Book of Babylon" she refers to?—I return this letter herewith. It is quite remarkable.—


I enclose this with a Hymn to Pan issued by Alex Watt. May-be this Pan is what Candy is waiting for? She can have one if she likes.—


Louis [Louis Culling] wrote me a long, very sane and good letter. He must be one of these Uranian people who is easily misunderstood. He sent me $5.00 in cash. Please notify Mildred [Mildred Burlingame].


Love is the law, love under will.


Love to you,




