Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



February 19, 1953



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for your letter with those from Candy [Marjorie Cameron] and the record of Jack's [Jack Parsons].


I want to read Candy's letters once again; I have not had time to decipher Jack's first, so would like to keep all for a few days. On first perusal I must confess that Candy appears to me to be a little off the beam. I doubt whether she has adequate facts to substantiate the flying saucer story. Whether she actually saw one at 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]—how? In the sky, or in the process of fabrication? It has long been supposed that they are secretly manufactured by the U.S.A. But: I have never been on Catalina Island, and from all I had heard it certainly would not be a given spot for secret experiments or tests.


The danger to people with a vivid imagination is that they yield too easily to, and become the prey of, obsessing thought, unless you chase the fog around them away, or have a helper to do it all the time for you. Else you might walk at dusk in the fields and suddenly see a ghost and run away, when a less imaginative person walks right up to it, and proves that the "Ghost" was a lamp post, or a pole in the midst of the landscape.


Please do not make an effort to locate those records of Jack's. They may be too valuable to be in danger to get lost. I would like to find in them the details of exactly what 666 instructed him to do and work on. He never told me—as he usually did. There must be important letters extant which throws light on the matter. I have read the Aleister: Jack file through again and cannot find anything that looks like an instruction to do a certain opus. That is from 1946 on.— — —


I am sending you to-day by parcel post (twelve) copies of The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw. Please notify the following to pick up their copy, or get it to them as you find easiest. They are for yourself, Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler], Hugh [Hugh Christopher], Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] - Ray [Ray Burlingame], Georgia [Georgia Schneider], Meeka [Meeka Aldrich], Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith], Louis [Louis Culling] and Paul Millikin. This is 9. I put in three extra for use as seen fit.—As an afterthought I stuck in 25 copies of the completed ERRATA slip, for 418 [The Vision and the Voice]. Please give them to those that have a copy. Give an extra supply to Louis, as he sold or bought several copies.—I have sent copies to Barstow separately.


I am hellishly busy.


I've written [Lt.] Raymond to tell me the name of the magazine about the Church of Thelema. May-be Louis or Wilfred know? Will tell you if I find out.


Love is the law, love under will.


All the best to you and love,




