Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[13 August 1953]



Last night I heard from Louis [Louis Culling] himself that you are informed of his moves re: an incorporation of O.T.O. He thinks one can incorporate without a charter, and he said the only way to find out if an O.T.O. is already incorporated in the State is to file papers. In which case he would be notified of the fact.



[In a letter of August 13 Jane had tried to allay Karl's suspicions. She said that Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] had not seen W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] at all and she herself had broken off contact until the matter could be decided. She denied that she had with-held any facts, knowledge, information and further said that neither W.T.S. nor Louis had ever talked things over with her. The same was also true for Dr. Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro], he was staying away.]


