Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
Hampton N.J.
Feb. 5, 1955
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter of Feb.2 came to-day, Saturday, when I have no means of getting this posted before Monday—two important days lost. I enclose copy of my letter to Ray [Ray Burlingame] - Mildred [Mildred Burlingame]. Please give me, each of you: Jane and Jean [Jean Sihvonen], as complete a report on what transpired, with all details: number of times you saw this individual, what your impressions were, what questions or topics were discussed, what he tried to find out. Etc., etc.
Of course, hw said he was a friend of mine and all that. Fact is that he arranged a meeting with me, had a secret microphone installed to record the conversation. This was 15 months ago. I really wanted to get your reactions first, but time is short.
Re that film by Engers [Kenneth Anger]: Is this film actually running in L.A. now? Under what name "The Pleasure Dome"? Is it expected to reach here? Yorke [Gerald Yorke] has by this time seen the film, I suppose in London, heard details about the script, wrote "I expect to get an immoderate laugh out of it"; will meet Engers at his house shortly, or has by this time.
What Company was the producer? I want to trace it in New York.
Cameron [Marjorie Cameron] and her gang can play all the roles she likes; that is unimportant. What counts is: where does she stand? It may well be that she has actually gone through certain initiations, but fell into the clutches of some Archdemon, and now is obsessed by it, while all the time thinking it is 666—for, as you know—"the devil can take the shape of any God".
I should really, have full details of all that happened. I would like to set Louis Culling on her trail; it seems to me that he is the only one with adequate knowledge and subtle strength to tackle her, and destroy her—should that become necessary. At this distance it is hard to judge. And she may have been on the White Path, and a true Thelemite. But when the forking of the roads comes, the deviation is at first almost invisible; it turns only slowly, imperceptibly, from the North Pole; but once the demon sees he has succeeded, there is no way back, and the curve draws away rapidly. Then they become Black Brothers.
Sorry, if this theory is correct, I cannot advise positive protective steps except intensified rituals which you know, and invocations.
Please write by return. I should like as much as possible before this villain Schlag [Oskar Schlag] turns up. As he doubtless will.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally with love,