Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



Feb. 23, 1955.



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Feb. 19 and 20.


Re Cameron [Majorie Cameron]: I am glad you give me these data. I would rather she were not unbalanced etc. The theory that she passed through high initiations which are bound to throw one off balance is much more welcome, especially so if, as you indicate, she regained sanity. (As you know, A.C. called me insane around 1931, and in 1938 acknowledged me as a M.T. [Magister Templi] (though I did not accept or realise it.)


I enclose copy of a review of the Film [Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome] which will interest you. I enclose a duplicate which you might want to send to Cameron. Not having seen the film myself, it greatly surprised me. Both you and Yorke [Gerald Yorke] had put it aside as having nothing to do with A.C. And now this interpretation from an outsider! I received it this morning.


We must not negate the possibility that this film could fit into a pattern to prepare the way for 93, and that higher forces are doing the planning even in such a small beginning as this small film. May-be it points in the direction of what I said in one of my recent letters? And Cameron may be chosen for a job?


Of course, from the point of view of the G.W. [Great Work] as a whole we must not lose out of sight the money angle so badly needed for innumberable things that require BIG capital (Liber Aleph, a new edition of the Book of Thoth, and edition of the full pack of cards which would cost $10,000 and should be completed before Frieda Harris dies, as she ought to supervise the whole job—and she wants to. The 4 remaining volumes of The Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley], etc. etc. etc. Tao Teh King.


All these I want printed in the conventional way, and fine paper etc. Unless a big splash happens, it is difficult to interest a conventional publisher with the shit running down his pants from abject fear, (Excuse the vulgarity, it is a Germanism) under present conditions.


I really wish I were in California, and soon. The house is again in the hands of brokers.


Schlag [Oscar Schlag]: (Observe Shin-Lamed-Gimel = 3331) What you say is clear and concise. Jean's [Jean Sihvonen] letter too is very interesting. Ray [Ray Burlingame] had become very suspicious, so he wrote. I shall now expect a letter from Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. I had no idea they took such a long drive together. I wonder whether Schlag may not have a knack of impressing women; if only Ero [Ero Sihvonen] had been along.


He just phoned (Sch.) leaving to-morrow; wants an introduction to Metzger [Hermann Metzger] our printer; to read Vol. III of Confessions (in German) and Liber Aleph. Thinks he could get a publisher for it in Europe, repeats once more: is eager to help, wants to know: how? I shall use this as a test: if he can get L. Aleph printed, o.k. I'll give him credit.


And don't be too mad and disappointed with me because I seem to be blowing hot and cold. Where I live now the feather of Maat seems to be so sensitive that the slightest spiritual waft of air operates like a storm. Remember that A.C., too, was exposed to such changes in judgment. In 1925 when he came to Weida he ran into an extremely critical situation and for a while he did not know where to turn. Then he had to phone me from Tränker [Heinrich Tränker] to my home in Weida and found my number to be 358. Then he decided to break with Tränker, move over to my house with Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen], Leea [Leah Hirsig], Mudd [Norman Mudd]. But what happened in 1931, after the Exhibition of his paintings? There was a violent row. He despaired, appointed Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] his heir, as O.T.O. etc. etc. He had given me up as a total loss.


You yourself must be able to remember similar situations?


All I can say: Schlag may be a representative of 333. And bad. But he may also be a vital force for 93. He is dead hostile to O.T.O. He is dead against The Book of Thoth. I don't have the gift of conversation and exchange of ideas. May-be Yorke can come to some clearer judgment having no axe to grind re 93.


In the meantime you must have had my further letter. Gosh! what an avalanche.


Love is the law, love under will.


With love,




P.S. Please this is for all of you in Barstow.


Rehbein has been in retard lately with his rent payments. If he would default completely it would be possible to annul the agreement. Georgia [Georgia Schneider] wrote to-day with this significant phrase: "I am advised to ask you to make me an offer for my half of the property. If you are coming out here you might wish to develop the property".


Does this ring in your ear a seductive possibility? It is of course silly for me to make an offer, as I have no money and need every penny. But if and when this house is sold, I could, perhaps make a cash proposition, though this depends entirely on what we can get for this place. Could you envisage a plan on how we could develop the whole or part of the Lenwood property? for ourselves?


I doubt that Rehbein will permit to lose his agreement by default. But one never knows—Please let me know what you think.




