Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1203 Inchon Avenue, Barstow, California.
July 1, 1955
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
A.C.'s letter to Jack [Jack Parsons]. My recollection—which I feel is correct—is that Jack was to work in secret. Also that the Working [The Babalon Working], and the Result, were not to be told anyone—Jack himself to put it out of his mind when finished.
Whether Jack followed the instructions at first, Ron Hubbard [L. Ron Hubbard] later became an assistant. Hence my shock on receiving Jack's report. I do hope that Report turns up!
You have seen Jack's pencilled Liber 49 (now in your possession). Did Ron Hubbard have aught to do with the typed Liber 49, Ron eliminating many superfluous words?
Did A.C. think Jack capable of such work? Or was Jack capable but being tested for the Four Powers of the Sphinx.
By the way, I was told (by whom? Culling [Louis Culling]?) that Ron Hubbard had some powers. For instance. That he nailed W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] to a board? a cross? There he stayed till Jack could no longer tolerate Smith's pleadings to be released. Ron then let him loose.
Hubbard was a successful contributor to "Weird Stories" Magazine.
Ero [Ero Sihvonen], Jean [Jean Phillips] and I leave early Saturday a.m. for L.A. They return the 4th.
Love is the law, love under will.
Love Jane