Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1203 Inchon Avenue, Barstow, California.
August 13, 1955.
Dear Karl:
Cameron [Majorie Cameron] will not get to Mexico at the time she stated, July 26. She came to the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred] to see me the 3rd of August, and then stated she was to go the following Tuesday. She also told me somewhat of Muir. He is divorced and has with him 3 children of that marriage. In the group destined for Mexico are Muir, a second wife(?) and their three children, Cameron and the three children above mentioned. These three Cameron cares for; she also keeps conversation going, when needed. This discipline is a strain, but she feels there is something waiting for her in Mexico—possibly a thought to keep up her spirits??—something she wants but fears. Also, she is without a home and has worn out her welcome now here, now there. No letter from Mexico as yet.
This from Cameron. Anger [Kenneth Anger] is in Majorica, for 3 years; no pictures during this period; no people other than those of his present line of thought, one of which is a group of people named "The Circle of Saturn", of Germany. Anger wrote C.[ameron] at the time of the "Pleasure Dome" experiments in London, but she did not answer him. But told me she now will write him. At no time did she write Kenneth Grant—her "instinct" prevented it.
I feel Cameron will go ahead or fall off her perch. She is hard pressed and looked worn and thin when I saw her.
Jean [Jean Phillips] has written re Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] and Louis [Louis Culling], so I add the remark of Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. "Saw Mica and Louis and was amused and annoyed. Louis still dangerous to our best interests. He is always the monkey on the lookout for the cat's paw, and unprincipled."
Cameron is pressed for money, yet refused the program. Meeka bragged about the money one could get on T.V. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] refused. She and Louis were quite melodramatic—especially Meeka—who stood out front watching the actress rant and rave, preening herself on her ability and beauty. But then, sincerity is not in either one. I was glad to hear Coates, the Confidential columnist, tell the audience, the Ritual was a hodge-podge, but even so could do some damage to some people. I was surprised to hear him say there are 40 groups in L.A. who practice witchcraft and sorcery. But on thought, there are Mexicans interested in some such thing, and the negro voodoo. Cameron says that is practised in L.A.
Love is the law, love under will.