Correspondence from Karl Germer to Wilfred Talbot Smith
Hampton N.J. P.O. Box 581
Aug. 22, 1955.
Dear Wilfred,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Nearly a month since your last! How time flies! I was glued to my desk for the last many weeks completing translation and final version of Little Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth] which is to be our publication on the Fall Equinox in Zurich. A hell of a job, believe me! I finished last night. Now it is 5 a.m. and here I sit writing letters neglected for many weeks.
Grant [Kenneth Grant]: as you know he is a young lucky man highly advanced, and the bug of megalomania seems to al least have nibbled at him. He published a crazy "Manifesto" [Manifesto of the New Isis Lodge] which you ought to see to believe! He set up a "New Isis Lodge"—from a newly discovered (so he says!) planet "Isis" Nuit, and he its priest. A "planet", mere planet, an infinitely small speck of our little Solar system, and equated with Nuit! It seemed blasphemy to me, and I formally got him out of the O.T.O.—May-be, as was whispered in my ear, he has become wary of actually starting his Lodge based on magical sand.
I'm sure you will see me in the flesh. But these things are managed from Higher up. Every single actual preparation I made of flying out to California, has been stymied in the most miraculous way. Must I stick to the German angle until it is mature? No savve!
You ask: what will happen to the material I have . . . 'when I depart' ?? I don't think you should even formulate such a question. It's so wrong, magically speaking. It will go to whom I am directed to pass it on. So far, no indication: my past 70, being a child of Saturn, don't seem to mean much.
Yi King: no, those 2 were all the lessons A.C. did.
Please tell me: what does (Russell's [C. F. Russell]) 'G.B.G.' stand for?
Do tell me, with details, which O.T.O. Rituals do you have. As you probably know. the VI° was lost. I have lately obtained this!
Babalon Film—this, I heard from Jane [Jane Wolfe], was shown in California for quite a while. I believe under the title "Pleasure Dome". Jane saw it twice, and could hardly see any reference to Thelema or so, until I pointed out to look closer. I'm sure Ray [Ray Burlingame]—Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] have seen it, though I have not verified.
The thing is planned to be done as a stage play to be shown in New York in the Fall. Lillian Roth (?) was eager to play the role of Babalon, but I read she has been replaced by another prominent dame. I'm watching the press, as I want to see it.
have not heard from Culling [Louis Culling], and have asked him to-day, to tell me something.
Love is the law, love under will.