Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1203 Inchon Avenue Barstow, California
February 12, 1956
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
A long time since I wrote you!
First: Flu, which lasted some time. Part of December and ended in January. Then somewhere along the line came the ordeal—which I call "The battle with the Desert." Alone, alone on a wide wide sea, and never a soul to take pity on me. This included Mary K. and her agony.
Feb. 4 back to Barstow, and my deep gripe is over.
Feb. 8 Power. A conscious awakening in my spine(?), back of the heart.
Power started. It eventually projected toward an objective, and united with the objective, in what I can only call a sparkling "love". I feel like saying, atomic in some way. This has to be used in order to retain it in strength. Though it is not so vital at the moment.
Feb. 9. This a.m. I became conscious of being one of the forerunners in the birth of the New Aeon; and tool part in its activities.
Feb 10. I picked up the Introductory page of the Commentary and found ideas, etc., which thrilled me—made me shake with joy. Ero [Ero Sihvonen] and Jean [Jean Sihvonen] floated into the picture and I communicated my joy and reactions to them. Heretofore I did not know what was on that sheet of paper for me.
Abrasax—a name which has interested me for some time—has given some light. Liber VII, III, 4-42, showed itself faintly to me in the Temple at Winona Boulevard. It is now time for Jane to look to building up the physical. Feb 8 should help this—plus shots in the bloodstream.
. . . . . I just got one. Lying in bed, purposefully breathing Karl entered I sat up in bed, I got out, and have felt heaps better all morning.
I shall try to get to Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] in a few weeks. And I thought my time had come! I was so slender and weak.
Love is the law, love under will.
Love to All,