Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Gerald Yorke





March 25th 1956



Dear Mr. Yorke:


Your catalogue staggers me, what a collection. Of course what I have is really nothing in comparison. You are most certainly welcome to any information that I might have. My bookseller has been driving me crazy, promising to show me the Crowley items any day now. However he did loosen up and showed me what he called the first batch of his books Saturday. I was shocked to discover that he did have all of A.C.'s letters to Evans [Montgomery Evans], so they are not lost as I thought. He had other letters that were pasted in books some of them very interesting. My dealer has promised me that he would give me first crack at the whole lot. I am hoping that he will be reasonable about the whole deal, if not I may have to pass it up. After all, most of the books I have, so it would be very little loss in that respect. We shall see.


Here are some random notes that I jotted down that I thought might interest you.


Amphora published date should be Burns & Oates 1908 not 1909 as you have.


Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire]: I have the mss poem of R.C. Dunning for the "Epilogue" in Poems and Prose [Little Poems in Prose].


George Raffalovich: I have a special inscribed copy to Joseph B. Rethy "from the gifted author of the Man-cover in the hope that he may understand the said story. . . . I don't, George Raffalovich Feb 1917. Book contains sections from the Equinox (special proofs) of the Man-cover, The Brighton Mystery, My Lady of the Breeches, The Eye of St. Ljubov and EHE.


Your Cat. Page 3 item 18 & 19 Mss Nerni and The Hearth were offered to me in this country a few years ago. Are they the same ones?


Crowley mentioned in Samuel Putnams' Paris was our mistress N.Y. 1947 pages 81-82.


Did I read something about A.C. in Yeats Mosada?


Did you see the recent offer of the original panels from Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] Paris temple? They are rather large panels painted by Mathers wife [Moina Mathers] for the Order of the Golden Dawn.


I note that you have A.C. painting of the Four Red Monks. Could I buy this from you? Yes I would like to have his Gallery Catalogues and anything else pertaining to his Art.


I do not have any copies of the "International" but I do have quite a few of the Fatherland. These are packed away in my basement and will take a little while to find them.


Re Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs]: He is a very sweet person and would be very happy to have A.C. letters when he finds them. Yes he remembers the incident very well and had told me about it on several occasions. He does not remember the number of letters.


I am sending you a copy of the magazine Arts and Decoration containing A.C.'s portrait by Augustus John. This is not the same one that appears on the Mandrake [Mandrake Press] prospectus. You may keep this if you like.


I wrote to the various people mentioned in your letter. Got my copy from the Book of the Month Club. It is nonsense.


I have the following item in my collection: (Your catalogue Nos.)


     1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5d - 6 - 7B - 8 - 9a - 10B - 11 - 13 - 14a - 15B - 16B - 17 - 18 - 19a - 20 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28B - 29 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 40a - 40B - 43 - 44 - 46 - 48 - 49 - 50B - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 60C - 61C - 62a . b - 63 complete, 63 c 4 . 5) - 64 - 67B - 77 - 82 - 94 - 101 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107


I would like to have you keep me in mind for the transcripts of the diaries, will be happy to pay my share if not too expensive.


I know that you have known A.C. for a long time, were you ever with the Mandrake Press? If not too personal a question, how did you inherit all of A.C.'s things?


Would you like me to return your catalogue right away or shall I hang on to it until I get the new lot and check against them? Again many thanks for your interest.




Philip Kaplan

47-17 39th Ave.

Long Island, 4,

New York City, N.Y.


P.S. I have a dozen copies of 82—can you use any?


