Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
2432 Laurel Pass Hollywood 46, Cal.
Sept. 6, 1957.
My dear Philip Kaplan:
Your letter of Sept. 2 was interesting an a little disappointing, though I cannot blame you in my heart for not wishing to part with your book.
However, you should not have difficulty of picking up a copy of the "Blue Equinox" [Equinox Vol. III, No. 1]; they are still available and can be bought for $7 or $10; at least that is the price I heard recently on the West Coast.
I think you are wrong about the two or three books that we have published of Crowley's works over here, that is
1. The Vision and the Voice with Introduction and Commentary by Crowley 2. The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw
While of the last I am myself short, I am mailing you to-day a copy of each of No. 1 and 2; both of these are original and do not exist anywhere in print. Thus they are First editions. Please accept them with my compliments.
While making ready this parcel I will also add a copy of "Little Essays Toward Truth", First ed., which you will not be able to buy anywhere, I'm sure.
If you should have difficulty of finding a copy of the First ed. of The Equinox of the Gods, do let me know. I have a lone spare, completely new, which I treasure highly, of the London binding. (There were many bound in the U.S., very inferior quality.)
Yes, I knew that Symonds [John Symonds] was working on a new Crowley book; as he has always been ignorant of the subject matter, philosophically, occultly, mystically, and is only bloated with his own importance, I do not expect mush, except that he may make a sensational book from his reading of A.C.'s diaries.
Sincerely yours
Karl Germer
If you have several spares of "In Memoriam Yarker" [In Memorium - John Yarker] I'd appreciate one. If it is that by Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] [The Last Ritual], I have at least 25—I paid partly for their production.