Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




West Point, Calif.

Box 258



April 7, 1958



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letter of March 26, which reached me days later as we have been snowbound for a while and I could not drive to West Point.


Jane [Jane Wolfe] died Saturday, March 29, at 12:20 p.m. from sheer exhaustion in the Home where she had been, (and where Mary K. has also been transferred, I believe.) Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] has been attending to matters there. We all considered it as a great blessing to her, as her life had become continuous torture of late, and she had expressed it to me several times that she wished for the end. She has been cremated.


I am sorry to hear of your difficult situation. It must not necessarily be "magical attacks" for which one must look. Sometimes there is something subtly, magically wrong in one's life and the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] speaks to you in His language to make you sit up and take notice, and search yourself.


(Remember when I was in a stagnant situation some years ago, when I searched for a new partner, because I thought that was what I was ordered to do; I was wrong, though, I was punished, had to pay dearly.)


The harm is not permanent and final when one recognizes the errors, and appeals to the HGA to help one rectify the situation. People like Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] did persist, and went insane, and became a traitor. Ro Hoor Khuit punishes direfully those that are not chosen for "regeneration of the world".


Banishing rituals: I have never used any in my life, in fact, would not know how to work them; but this is individual; you must not follow. However, such rituals do not work, or have the opposite effect, if the root of the trouble has not been detected, and one remains on the wrong path.—


Please do not overrate me. I have never claimed technical knowledge in things magical. Still, all I could tell you will be at your disposal when you see or call me.


Coco: too late! We now have a bitch, a wonder dog, only 6 months old, but you should have seen her to-day when there was a herd of cows, she got mad, jumped out of the car, and chased them when they had been blocking the road. We could not take two females.


Do stick to your plan to visit us in June (your vacation?). We should love to have you to stay; you can have the bedroom that Jane had and which is empty.


They all say that this was an exceptionally bad winter. Until Jan. 23 (when we drove Jane to L.A.) we had almost constant sunshine. Since then such rain, and for the last few weeks much snow, though never more than 8", and it melts more quickly than in the East. We never were really marooned, only I loathe to put on the chains.


Love is the law, love under will.


Love from Sascha [Sascha Germer],




