Correspondence from Norman Robb to Philip Kaplan




Norman Robb


190 Lt Collins St


Victoria, Australia



4th Aug. '58



Dear Mr. Kaplan,


Thank you for your letter of July 20. It was delivered to us last week at our house in the country, where I have just spent a week. The rush has been such that I haven't been able to go into things at all thoroughly yet, but I'll let you know what I have available as soon as possible. Thank you very much indeed for the "Alexandra", I shall look forward to getting it in due course. I had a (rather tattered) duplicate of only one item on your list: no 86. I have posted that today, surface mail, with some other odds and ends you might like to have. I don't want them back. They include a little play of A.C.'s called "The Three Wishes" (typescript).


Re "Snowdrops" [Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden]: In the list of the Lund [Robert Lund] collection sent me by Germer [Karl Germer], see latest (page 7). This says that the original MS of "Snowdrops", with two other items is bound into one vol. That was what I was referring to. However, I did not know that Germer had a typescript of it, so I shall ask him if he can do me a copy or if he could lend me his to copy.


I have a (typed) copy of "Bloxam" [Not the Life and Adventures of Sir Roger Bloxam] I also have "White Stains" and "Bagh-i-Muattar".


I have quite a big collection of typescripts of Crowley's works—some not listed in the Bibliography. I'll let you know what these are later,—you can have any of them that you want.




N Robb.


