Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 258
August 9, 1958.
My dear Philip:
Thank you for your interesting letter of Aug. 3, received yesterday (I am driving to the Post Office only twice a week as a rule).
One does not exactly stale on a certain subject if one has concentrated on it exclusively for a while, it is, I think, when the work is crowned by success that a reaction sets in. You are lucky that you have several other interests that help you get away from that reaction.
It is my conviction that you will never be sorry to have sunk that money in Crowleiana, and I might say on this occasion that I feel it will never be so that I am so short of ready cash; times may change, and circumstances. If they do for me, and you should ever consider to turn you collection, or part of it, into cash, to promise me that you will give me a chance to acquire the whole or part of it. This may sound crazy at the moment; still, don't forget that I have uttered this request.
Another thing, the items that Lund [Robert Lund] still has. They cannot be of any immediate use or value to him. But they are to me (or to Yorke [Gerald Yorke], as he is sure to have told you). I cannot get rid of the sorrow that I, as Crowley's appointed heir, and as the oldest one alive that has been directly dealing with these stolen cases, have not been in a position to safeguard that material for the Headquarters collection. If you can in any way help that those MSS. can be acquired, or to help persuade Lund to part with them, please do, and keep your finger on Lund's pulse. You are the one to whom he not only has an obligation but also confidence—
Now to the books: you are awfully generous in donating those four books you list as a gift. I accept it gladly for this Headquarters collection! Thank you.
As for the others, Bagh-i-Muattar, Gargoyles, God-Eater, Amphora, White Stains, Aceldama, six books, which you let me have for $140—I accept this price and think it is fair. The only point is that at the moment I would not be able to pay cash. We are negotiating with a realtor for the disposal of some property, and this should be settled in a month or so. When this is closed, and passed through escrow, I can write you. In the meantime, please be sure and hold them for me.
Incidentally, I have the Collected Works, 3 vols. bound in one in Vellum in my collection. I paid $10 for it from Weiser some years ago, it is in perfect condition. What is important for us are the four Mss.
All the best to you,