Correspondence from Karl Germer to Georgia Schneider





West Point, Calif.

Box 173



Nov. 10, 1959.



Dear Georgia,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Last Saturday, Nov. 7, Grady McMurtry came here, after I had had to pull him together severely for his failure to meet his debt payments. Yet he came with a new car despite the fact that I loaned him about $660 4 years ago to be able to buy a car. He has this new car without having paid for the old one for which I gave him the money! No sense or feeling of magical, or even the lowest type of moral obligation.


All the time I felt that he had acquired a new car (a Lark) which he used to drive around to Barstow (where Jean [Jean Sihvonen] cast her spell on him): to L.A., and elsewhere.


This only to give you somewhat of a background.


He wants to form a group among the old Agape Lodge members. He asked for your address which I did not give him. It is just possible that he contacts you. In that case—though I do not think you will plot with him as the others did, I suggest to stop, look and listen, and draw him out. And tell me.


I much regret that I don't have a chance to visit Los Angeles these days, if for no other reason of the Work. However, if the spirit should move you, we would be happy if you would pay us a visit. You need not drive, a plane ticket to Sacramento or to Stockton is simpler, and I could meet you there.


All the best to you and your health!


Love is the law, love under will.




