Charles Stansfeld Jones Diary Entry Thursday, 21 October 1915
It is time I started work again on A∴A∴ lines. Having kept such a poor record for many months, I will use a fresh book to record fresh work. Since I became a Zelator in An X Sol in Leo, I have done little towards the next step, viz: the Grade of Practicus. I have worked so far particularly on one section of the task of Zelator, and in this connection have started a branch of O.T.O. and M∴M∴M∴ in this City of Vancouver which I trust will eventually prove useful to the A∴A∴ by preparing suitable people.
Frater O.M. [Aleister Crowley] came to visit us last Saturday, October 16th E.V. and left the City again this morning. During his stay we have had much conversation on matters pertaining both to the A∴A∴ and the O.T.O.
He was satisfied with my progress so far, but tells me to make a particular study of all instructions which pertain to an understanding of what use I should be to the Brothers of the A∴A∴ if I should at any time take the Oath of the Abyss. In particular I am to study parts of "Training of the Mind", "Liber Thisharb" and "Aha" in connection with this matter.
I have noticed a slight change in my manner since he has been here, and one or two curious co-incidences have occurred. For instance, I rang up Brother H.E.W. [Howard White] at Port Haney and in spite of the fact that I asked for the wrong number, and was put in touch with a store a mile and a half from his house, he was called to the phone at once, as he was standing outside that very store. He naturally wanted to know why I rang up that number (Haney is 40 miles from Vancouver and a strange town to me).
Frater O.M. has shown me how to perform the Banishing Ritual of Pentagram properly. I also asked him to take me for an Astral Journey on the 20th of October. I went for this Astral Journey with Frater O.M. about 6.15 P.M. We were in his room as the Hotel Vancouver. He first wrote a word on a piece of paper and placed same in a book, turned out the light and sat down on the bed, while he invoked certain forces. I was sitting on a chair near him. He first asked me to formulate an astral figure, any figure. I did so, though not to my satisfaction. He then asked if I could see him astrally. I described a small image armed with a wand in right hand and holding a paper on which was written a name. This figure was surrounded with Aura (or partially so) and was robed in Purple inclining to Red. We went up through the roof and were under a clear night sky with stars. I noticed a Star of reddish look, larger than the rest. We travelled quickly to it and alighted. I noticed that same was of volcanic origin and that one crater attracted my attention. Stood on the rim of this crater and perceived a red glow. Descended into it and found lava was the cause of the glow. Frater O.M. told me to sink into this lava, and then asked if it seemed hot. I answered "No" and he said "Quite correct." Sank right through the star and shortly came out on the other side, in space, with other stars far off below. He asked if I saw any figures. I saw a female form dressed in airy drapery, floating near us. I asked her the name of the planet we had visited, and she replied Mars. Then I asked her name and she said Uriel. The nature of her work she told me was to carry messages of importance to her Master. Asked her to take us to her Master. She turned round, and we followed through space to another star and perceived the entrance to a cave. At first we went along a dark passage, then turned and entered a vaulted chamber containing very little furniture. An old man was sitting at a table. He was holding a wand similar to that used by Frater O.M. We asked Uriel if this was her Master, she replied "Yes," and we saw no more of her.
Frater O.M. then asked me if I saw any symbols near the Master. I said I saw a triangle with the Eye in Centre. "Anything else?" he asked. A Cross above. "Anything else?" "No." Frater O.M. then said : "Ask the Master if the symbol is correct." I did so and the Master said "No." I asked him to correct it for me. The cross then appeared below the triangle. Frater O.M. said "That's enough for this time, let us return the way we came." We did so. Astral coincided with physical. Made sign of Harpocrates and opened eyes.
I then recounted this vision to Frater O.M. in detail and could remember very clearly every point. He asked me what the symbol was, and I said "An Alchemical Symbol." "Of what?" I hesitated and said "Sulphur." "If you are doubtful" he said, "go and look in that book over there on the dressing table." I did so, and on the slip of paper was written "Sulphur."
Frater O.M. said he had used invoking Pentagram of Fire and a suitable invocation. That all details were correct and harmonious, and that he had thought of Mars first.
He told me I should do an astral journey every day if possible. This trip cleared up any doubts I might have had as to the value of the practice. Frater O.M. said you can get knowledge on any matter you want, but results should always be carefully checked by Book 777.
I found afterwards that he had met Brother H.E.W. that afternoon and taken him for a journey also. This trip was also successful, in that instance to the planet Venus. I also found that he had passed Brother H.E.W. to Probationer and that in future I was to be his Neophyte. I was given charge of Brother W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and Sister E.S.T.S. [Emily Talbot Smith] as Students and told to send in their examination papers to Frater O.M. when completed.
I have discovered that it is necessary for me to bring another along up to a certain stage before I can advance much further. I also learnt that any person can claim the Grade of Magister Templi, but in that case must beware, for should one do so without really being prepared, one came under the laws of the Grade at once and then . . . .?
Regarding the O.T.O. I was told that the secrets of VIII° and IX° were of tremendous importance, but that a man must discover them for himself as they are never told directly. Also, that as soon as I did so I should be granted IX° and become an Initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis.
Shortly after Frater O.M. had taken me for the astral journey, we were joined by Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and Soror Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]. The latter invited us all to dinner and we returned to North Vancouver by the 11 p.m. boat.
When I had got to bed that night the secret of the IX° (as I thought) or part of it, suddenly dawned on me. I commenced thinking it out in detail and began to understand the meaning of Liber . . . . Then various correspondences and references to other books and symbols came to me, and I determining to look them up in the morning.