Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Wednesday, 27 February - Tuesday, 5 March 1918
Opus gravissimum ad Aurum Rubeum faciendum.[2]
27 Feb. 7.57 a.m. (LXX)
Assistant: LXIV [Roddie Minor].
Operation: El[ixir] Rub[eus].[3] Short and severe.
28 Feb. 9.30. - 11.00 a.m. (LXXI)
Assistant: W[alter]— ת.
Operation: short and excellent.
28 Feb. (LXXII)
Assistant: W[alter] and LXIV [Roddie Minor].
Operation: El[ixir] Rub[eus]. Rather long and superb.
3 March 10.00 a.m. (LXXIII)
Assistant: LXIV [Roddie Minor].
Operation: El[ixir] Rub[eus]. too exciteable.
The whole Operation is to be classed as mediocre. None of the Acts were especially good, and it all tailed off to nothing long before the natural End. There should have been at least six Operations.
Results: 5 March + $10 advance on Soror A[hitha]'s [Roddie Minor] salary. Liberty Loan Committee approves my sketch. $10 from Soror Bazedon [Elsa Lincke]. Offer of free house for summer.
6 March: $10 from Russell [C. F. Russell]. The World Magazine rejects 'The Crisis'.
7 March: Sketch held up.
8 March: International threatened.
14 March: Troxel [Dorothy Troxel] 5, Beadde 10, Lincke 15, Marie [Marie Lavrov] 25.
P.S. 18 Aug. It may be that this Operation brought about the Great Influ of Aurum Rubeum which is now manifest. The date tallies with that of the transaction which caused the Influx, fairly well. See entry of 14 April.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[A very serious Operation for the making of red gold.] 3—['Red Elixir', i.e. the menses. Crowley was using the lunar current.]